Prospect Closing Scripts That Work EVERY TIME For Your Business

Prospect Closing Scripts That Work EVERY TIME For Your Business

Prospect closing and registering people into your business is very important to the growth of your business. Have you ever finished showing your business opportunity or had a prospect watch your presentation on a link that you sent them, and then had no idea what to say next? Perhaps you are like most people in Network Marketing who will say something like, “So what do you think?” or “Do you like what you saw?” Those lines are worn out and do not work! It is not your fault, though. You have probably been trained by an upline or someone that was helping you in business who did not know how to close prospects. This blog post will help you to close more prospects and get more sign ups in your business. 

Warning: the scripts in this video are extremely powerful and easy to use!

If you continue to use the same prospect closing scripts that you have always used, you will keep getting the same results of trying to grow your business. Use the two prospect closing methods that I taught in this video, and you will have a much better chance at signing up new members to your team. Have fun with your newly found tools and don’t make a big deal out of getting someone signed up in your business. If you don’t make it a big deal, your prospect won’t either!

Did you find value in this? If you did, please drop me a comment below and share this post with anyone who you know could benefit!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- If you want MORE TRAINING on how to close prospects, share your opportunity, or connect with prospects out in the marketplace, CLICK HERE!

The Perfect Prospecting Script For Home Business

The Perfect Prospecting Script For Home Business

I am always asked by both new and old Home Business owners and people in Network Marketing what the correct script should be when they are talking to prospects about their opportunity. There are many aspects to the “perfect” script when it comes to meeting potential prospects, calling prospects/connecting with prospects on social media, and talking to prospects about your opportunity. 

The fact is, there is no one perfect script out there! I’m sorry to burst your bubble! Sure there are some great ones that you can use and get results, but the biggest determining factor of how useful and effective the scripts that you use are is your belief and your personality; the enthusiasm in which you come across.

In this video, I will break down some different points that I believe you should incorporate into any script that you use. You can use 1 or 2 of the points, or all of them. What you will want to do is take the points and blend them with your belief and personality to craft your perfect script. Watch the video below and see what I mean!

If you use this framework and points of emphasis, you will be able to craft your perfect script using your personality and belief in your business opportunity. You can say the words, or you can SAY the words and really mean it? 

I hope that this has given you some perspective and has helped to provide some ideas of what you can say to prospects when speaking with them about your opportunity. If you found value, please comment below and pay it forward by sharing it with anyone else who you think could benefit from this information!
To Your Success,
Ken's signature
P.S.- If you want to sponsor more reps, get more leads, and make more money in your business, fill in your information below to get the formula for YOUR success!

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How to handle objections-"I want to think about it"

How to handle objections-“I want to think about it”

Handling objections can be a tricky thing if you have not learned how to effectively answer them. If you have encountered objections from prospects when looking to sponsor reps into your Home Business opportunity, you may have felt stumped and at a loss for words, which can be very frustrating! One of the objections that I struggled with early on in my Home Business career was the “I want to think about it” objection. It used to stop me right in my tracks because if I said anything other than, “okay,” I felt like I was being pushy or coming across like a pushy salesman.

I would say things like, “what do you need to think about?” or “do you need to think about making money or saving money?” None of these rebuttals worked because they would just answer again that they needed to think about it!

In the video below, I show you the exact method of how to overcome the “I want to think about it” objection and what you can do to have more success in sponsoring reps into your Network Marketing business! It may be different from what you have heard in the past, but it is very effective!

How to handle the "I want to think about it" objection

Have you been stumped before when a prospect tells you that they want to "Think about it?" I have a ton of times! In this video, I share with you what one of my mentors taught me on how to overcome the "I want to think about it" objection and the Psychology of how to do it.***If you would like more teaching on how to handle objections for your Network Marketing business, CLICK HERE:

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Tuesday, October 20, 2015

This method seems pretty easy, right? If you learn how to manage the conversation, and you maintain your control and posture, you will have much more success in handling objections!

If you found value in this information, please comment and share!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Do you want more training on how to handle every objection that you would get in Network Marketing? CLICK HERE for more information!

Network Marketing Training- Is Free Training Really Better?

Network Marketing Training- Is Free Training Really Better?

Investing in yourself and your education is critical if you want to be successful in anything, particularly in business! I had an interesting conversation today with someone who wanted FREE Network Marketing training only. Now, I know that this particular individual is not the only person who has this thought process. Listen, we all love and want free Network Marketing training, when we can get it, but there are some down sides to it as well if that is the only thing that you look for.

As Ray Higdon says, “Free is the most expensive option and will take you the longest.” Click To Tweet

In the video below, I point out some things to think about the next time you are contemplating whether or not to buy a product or service that can help you move your Network Marketing business along. These points are especially important if you are someone who does, or plans to sell, affiliate products or products that you personally make.

Watch the video below to see what happened and what my thoughts are on whether or not only seeking FREE Network Marketing training really means that you are getting ahead or setting yourself up for failure!

If you find value in this content, please comment below and share this with anyone else who you think could benefit! Enjoy!

Free Is Not Always Better!Investing in yourself and your education is critical if you want to be successful in anything, particularly in business! I had an interesting conversation today with someone who wanted FREE training only. Watch the video to see what happened and my thoughts!P.S.- Market your business like the top income online earners- 10 Day Trial Period!CLICK HERE to see more:

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Monday, September 28, 2015

To Your Success,
Ken's signature


P.S.- Learn to market your business like the top income online earners- 10 Day Trial Period! Just fill in your information below!

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6 Network Marketing Tips To Move Your Business Forward

6 Network Marketing Tips To Move Your Business Forward

In this post I will share with you 6 Network Marketing tips that will help you to move your business forward. I have been in the Network Marketing industry for 15 years now, and I can assure you that there are many more tips that can help you to grow your business. However, I feel that these are 6 critical tips, that if you use, can help you to take your business to new heights!

I see a lot of Network Marketers out there just working hard! They talk to people, but they don’t really have any sort of strategies or an idea of what they are trying to accomplish. These hard workers are merely going out and hoping that someone joins their business. If you use these 6 Network Marketing tips, you will have a purpose in everything that you do when it comes to growing your business. You will begin to work smarter and not just hard. The top Network Marketers in the industry became top earners because they worked not just hard, but they also worked smart.

Enjoy the video below and please comment and/or share it with others if you find value in these Network Marketing tips!

6 Tips To Move Your Network Marketing Business Forward6 Tips To Move Your Network Marketing Business Forward!For more tips like this and how to get better results in your business, CLICK HERE:

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Thursday, October 1, 2015

To Your Success,
Ken's signature
P.S.- If you would like to learn more tips and get better results in your Network Marketing business, fill in your information below and start making money the way the top earners do!

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Why I Chose Network Marketing

Why I Chose Network Marketing

If you have had your ears and eyes open over the last several years, you have probably heard about Network Marketing! Perhaps you have been contacted by someone (friend, family, or complete stranger) about joining a Network Marketing company to make some extra money outside of your job or career. Regardless of your view of Network Marketing, it is here to stay. There are thousands upon thousands of people, both blue collar and white collar who are using Network Marketing as a platform to make extra money, or walk away money (from their jobs). Network Marketing has received a bad rap over the years because of the aggressive nature of some reps and their practices. The thing to keep in mind, however, is that for every negative company, rep, or news that you hear about Network Marketing, there are also a lot of positive things that you can benefit from the right opportunity with the right coaching and mentoring. 

In the video below, I address why my wife and I chose Network Marketing as a way of making money for our family. We are both college educated people who saw and understood the vast benefits that Network Marketing could provide for our families. Despite what some of our family and friends thought, we wanted a way that we could have our own business of making money that was not based solely on our abilities and time constraints. We have been in the Network Marketing industry for 15 years now and are more excited today than we were when we first got started!

Why I Chose Network Marketing!Are you looking into the Network Marketing industry, or have some questions about it? In this video, I share why my wife and I chose Network Marketing over any other business opportunity!If you have any questions about the Network Marketing industry or are looking for a business, I’d love to hear from you! send me an email:

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Wednesday, September 2, 2015

If you have any questions about the Network Marketing industry or are considering starting a Network Marketing business to make more money, I’d love to hear from you! Send me an email: or drop me a comment below!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Are you looking for a coach or mentor to help you start a Network Marketing business? Fill out the short “Join A Winning Team” form and we can determine if we can work together!

Cold Market Prospecting For Network Marketing

Cold Market Prospecting For Network Marketing

If you have been in the Network Marketing industry for any length of time, you know that, at some point, you will run out of your friends and family to share your business opportunity with. Maybe you are new to Network Marketing (congrats!) and you are in the process of talking to friends and family about your opportunity. If you want a big business with walk away income, there will come a time when you will have to talk to people in the “cold market” about partnering up with you in business (cold market prospecting). 

Prospecting in the cold market takes some practice to get really good at. Some people are fearful of talking to “strangers,” but with some persistence and practice, you will be able to talk to anyone, anywhere! 

In the video below, I was answering a question from one of my followers who wanted to know when you are in the cold market, do you develop a rapport with the prospect first, or do you just simply pop the question of whether or not they are looking to generate more money? I thought that it was a good question that many other Network Marketers may have, so I wanted to put it in a video to get it out to people like yourself!


Cold Market ProspectingCold Market Prospecting: Be effective and get results in the “cold” market when prospecting for your Network Marketing Business! #NetworkMarketing #MLMtips #VictoryBoomSquad

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Saturday, August 29, 2015

Did this help you? If you continually work on meeting people in the cold market, you will get more comfortable and can literally expand your business wherever you are!
If you found value in this video, please comment below and share it with those who are struggling to prospect in the cold market!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- If you have some questions about building your business that you would like answered, feel free to email me at:

Walk Away

Walk Away

Do you feel like you are trying to drag people to success? Are you getting tired of “selling” people on why they should get in business with you or why they should see your opportunity? Well I have a solution for you!

Before I give you the solution, I want you to understand that prospecting and recruiting for your Network Marketing business is 98% attitude. You need to understand what it is that you bring to the table and understand that you are able to offer a phenomenal opportunity that can change the lives of the people who take advantage of it.

In the video below, I offer you a solution if: you are getting no-showed at the coffee shops when trying to show your business opportunity, people tell you that they are going to get in business with you and don’t, prospects don’t think that Network Marketing will work for them, and multiple other situations that you encounter. Enjoy the video and please leave me a comment if you got value from this post!

Walk AwayDo you ever feel like you have to talk people into joining your team? Do you feel like you are constantly dragging and bugging people to see your business opportunity? I have the SOLUTION for you! WATCH NOW!
Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Wednesday, August 19, 2015

There are too many people in the world to get caught up on one or two prospects. If you take this attitude, you will not waste any more time on the people who shouldn’t be in your business, but you will spend the time helping to change the lives of others; and changing the world!!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Do you want to sponsor more reps, get more leads, and make more money with your biz? Hurry up and fill in your info below to find out what you need to be doing NOW!

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The #1 Secret To Making Money

The #1 Secret To Making Money

Have you read success books, listened to audios/CD’s, attended live conferences, and studied numerous “success gurus”, and you still are not making money? I can tell you that I went through this maze of studying, taking action, and my wife and I still didn’t make the kind of money that we wanted to. 

We were missing this one particular secret to making money! This secret was something that we were later taught in its purest form, but we had to go through our struggles before it really hit us! One of my mentors, Ray Higdon sent an email to me and shot a quick video talking about this #1 secret to making money. After watching the video, it brought me back to what I had learned about making money that, quite honestly, I had forgotten about.

I felt that this is such an important secret to success, that I went out and made a short video myself expressing the impact that Ray’s video had on me, and also provided the #1 secret to making money because I felt that it would impact others.

Here is the video about the #1 secret to making money– I hope that it makes as much of an impact on you as it did on my wife and I! Enjoy :)

The Number #1 Secret To Making MoneyThis #1 secret to making money is something every one of us are capable of doing, yet most entrepreneurs and people, in general, don’t know and/or realize…WATCH NOW

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Monday, August 17, 2015

Did this help? Do you feel insired and impacted? If you do, please comment and let me know as well as share this post with others who you think could use this information.

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- If you would like to learn how to market your business and brand yourself online the way the top earners do, fill in your information below and watch the video!

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Learn how the top earners make more in one month than most people make in one year, and how YOU can BUILD YOUR CURRENT BUSINESS and EARN like a Rockstar Today!

Provide REAL value & get what you want while giving what they need!

Provide REAL value to attract prospects to you

If you are doing any sort of online marketing for your Network Marketing business, you have probably heard the buzz words provide value floating around. Providing value is a very important component to your marketing efforts in order to attract your target market to you! When I first heard about the term provide value, I understood that it meant giving information to your target audience that will help to solve their problems, and fill a need, want, or desire.

The question that I had though was, how do you REALLY provide value and get what you are looking for (more reps in your business), and give the prospect what they really need? I did a Periscope on this very subject and explained how you can truly understand what you prospect needs and wants. This Periscope video will give you some great insight as to how you can provide value in the market place!

Did this help you? If you found value in this Periscope video, please share it with your friends and drop a comment below!

Follow me on Periscope: @ken_cloutier

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Learn the secrets of providing value and how to do it by top income earners in the Network Marketing industry. Simply fill in your information below!

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Learn how the top earners make more in one month than most people make in one year, and how YOU can BUILD YOUR CURRENT BUSINESS and EARN like a Rockstar Today!