Appointment Setting-When To Reschedule Or Move On

Appointment Setting-When To Reschedule Or Move On

Appointment setting is a very important step in growing your Network Marketing business. After all, setting appointments is the only real way that you are able to show your business opportunity whether it is online of offline. But what happens if you set an appointment and your prospect doesn’t show up (no show)?

Early on in my Network Marketing career, I used to chase people around. They would cancel or no show, and I would call and give them another chance. They would no show again, and I would repeat the process. What a crazy nightmare and a total waste of time! So what do you do if you get no showed?

To Reschedule Or Not Reschedule

In the video below, I give you some appointment setting tips, especially if your prospect no shows you. Your mentor or upline may have already provided you with appointment setting scripts, but have they taught you what to say or do when you get no showed?

“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” -Woody Allen Click To Tweet

Watch the video below and learn how to use your time properly in appointment setting with these appointment setting tips; when to reschedule and when to move on.

When it comes to appointment setting and whether or not to reschedule, it is a matter of preference. With some prospects, depending on what the reason is, you may want to give them another chance, or not. Keep in mind, however, that YOUR time is precious and should not be wasted with someone who is just curious and not serious!

Additional Appointment Setting Tips

How To Make Effective Prospecting Calls For Your Network Marketing Business

How to deal with no-show appointments

If you found value in this, feel free to comment below and share!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 7 people), This is the Course you Should Get- Sponsoring Secrets Pro

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Sell Without Being Pushy

Sell Without Being Pushy

Sell Without Being Pushy- Do you feel like you are being pushy sometimes when you are selling your product or trying to register a new business owner? There are several factors that you come into play when you are trying to sell or get a prospect into your business. One of the most important things that you can do with a new prospect is to build rapport. When you build rapport with a prospect, you can begin to have them know, like, and trust you. This is critical when it comes to them wanting to join your business or buy your product!

In the video below, I explain to you how you can sell or sponsor prospects into you business without coming across as a pushy salesperson!

When you build a rapport with your prospects, great things can happen for you and your business. Implement these suggestions that I provided and you will get better results in your business!

Did you find value in this? If you did, please comment and share.

To Your Success,
Ken's signature

P.S.- For a FREE copy of 19 Lead Sources For Your Business, CLICK HERE

How To Get Leads Online

How To Get Leads Online

How To Get Leads Online Even If You Don’t Have A Capture Page-
Are you trying to generate leads online but you don’t have a blog or capture page? No need to worry! There are ways that you can still get leads online! There is no doubt that generating leads online is much easier when you do have a blog or capture page available for people to put in their information to get your valuable training, etc. (you will be able to get both below). However, it is still possible to get leads online with a little bit of creativity and a strong Call To Action!

When I first started to market my business online, I had no clue how to get leads online, let alone just one! I knew that the internet is the way to go and that there was the potential to reach hundreds of thousands of prospects with the click of a button. The problem was, I didn’t know where to start!

In the video below, I am going to give you a simple, easy to do method to start to get leads online everyday for FREE!

Did that help? Do you think that with a strong Call To Action, you can start to get leads online for your business even if you don’t have a blog or a capture page? You can!!

If you found value in this, please share and comment below!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- You can now create a blog and get ready-made capture pages for your online marketing system here! Just fill in your information below and you will be led to a short video explaining exactly how this system can work for you!

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Learn how the top earners make more in one month than most people make in one year, and how YOU can BUILD YOUR CURRENT BUSINESS and EARN like a Rockstar Today!

Why People Quit Home Business Opportunities

Why People Quit Home Business Opportunities

Why People Quit Home Business Opportunities –
Do you wonder why people QUIT Home business opportunities? Have you ever had that happen to you before? Someone gets started in your business and 6 months later they are gone into the black hole never to be seen again!  It can be very frustrating because you work so hard to get them to the point that they join your business opportunity. Think about it, you have to meet or connect with a prospect, present your opportunity, follow up with them, and then get them started. This is, of course, if everything goes smoothly! On top of all of that, you then need to train your new business partner and that can take many hours of your time, money, and other resources. Wouldn’t you rather have someone join your team and actually build it? The reason that people quit Home Business opportunities is not typically because they “lose their dream,” although sometimes that is the case. They typically quit Home Business opportunities because of 4 main reasons.

Watch the video below and I will share with you the 4 reasons Why People Quit Home Business Opportunities.

If you avoid these 4 mistakes, you will have a better chance at retaining the prospects and new business owners that you work so hard to bring into your business opportunity. You don’t make money in Network Marketing by having a revolving door business (get in, get out, get in, get out), instead you make money by growing a team and having that team grow a team. Work hard and smart so that you can get out of Network Marketing exactly what you want- that is, after all, why you started, isn’t it?

If you found value in this information, please comment below and share!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- If you want the SOLUTION to your sponsoring problems AND you want to learn how to keep them in your business, CLICK HERE

12 Destructive Habits That Are Keeping You Stuck

12 Destructive Habits That Are Keeping You Stuck

12 Destructive Habits That Are Keeping You Stuck– As individuals we all have habits. Some of them are good habits and others are not good at all! In fact, the habits that you have help to shape the life that you are living right now. Show me a successful person, and I will show you a person who has many more positive habits than not. On the flip side, show me a person who is not successful and is barely getting by, and I will show you a person that has more bad habits than good ones.

Understand that it is these bad habits that you have that is keeping you stuck and stagnant in your personal, professional, business, relationships, and just about every other part of your life. If you want to improve on any one of these pillars, it will require you to STOP keeping yourself stuck in your bad habits.

Below are 12 Destructive Habits That Are Keeping You Stuck! How many of these habits do you have?

1. You don’t believe in yourself

Believing in yourself is basically the same as your self-esteem. If you want to be successful in anything, you must first believe in you- that you are capable and good enough! Read books that will help you to build up your self-esteem!

2. You don’t own your unique self

Be YOU! There is only one of you and nobody the same. Let your true self shine through! You will be happier for it and you will also attract the right people into your life that were meant to be a part of it!

3. You compare yourself to others

Don’t do it! You will drive yourself mad trying to be someone else that you are not. Every single one of us has a different path to success. Stop trying to look at others as a benchmark for where you should be. Just be yourself and continue to strive to become a better person, and everything else will take care of itself.
4. You care too much what other people think

Only you know what is best for you and your family. Forget what other people think about you or your decisions. My motto is if they are not paying my bills, I am not worried about what they think. Follow your heart and live with no regrets! Caring what others think about you will make you very unhappy and leave you feeling paralyzed because you have to gain approval from others before you can do anything- STOP!
5. You surround yourself with negativity

People will either bring you up or they will bring you down. There are toxic people and non-toxic, supportive people. Surround yourself with the latter. How can you expect to live a positive, fulfilling life if you are constantly battling negative. Sometimes just like in Facebook, you need to “unlike” people! Unlike the negative people in your life and watch the sun start to shine through the clouds in your life!
6. You indulge in pessimism

Ahhh, the proverbial glass half full or half empty! Well which is it? Your answer will reveal if you need to work on this!
7. You criticize yourself relentlessly

I am my number one critic, and I assume you are your number one critic as well. Self criticism is good for you to a point because it helps us stand back and evaluate ourselves. We want to be the best we can be, right? However, if all you ever do is beat yourself up, you are not putting yourself in a position to become the best you can be. All of the negative self-talk will actually convince your subconscious mind to do exactly what you tell it. Are you telling your subconscious mind to do good things or bad things? Are you telling yourself that you are awesome or an idiot? The choice is yours!
8. You don’t trust yourself

So we have all made mistakes. I have made many more than I have time to share!! Trust yourself and your abilities. You can make the right move if you just trust your heart and the little voice on your shoulder telling you the positive move to make. It goes back to your self-image and self-esteem. Work on them and you will trust yourself more.
9. You don’t let yourself speak up

Don’t be afraid to speak up or stand up for yourself. If you believe in something strongly or have an opinion that can help a situation, speak up. If you don’t speak up, you will never be heard. You have great points and ideas that people can learn from or take into consideration. Speak up and live out loud!!
10. You’re no longer curious

Curiosity is the basis of learning. Why do babies learn so quickly? They learn quickly because they are curious. Curiosity is what all great inventors had, they just continued to follow through on their curiosity. You can not expect to move forward from where you are if you are not curious or inquisitive about the world around you. Look into things on a deeper level and you will learn so much! Stay curious!
11. You dismiss compliments

I had to work on my wife with this. When someone would compliment her, she would reply with a negative comment about herself. Even if you are embarrassed when someone compliments you, just say “thank you!” When you dismiss compliments, you are actually dismissing the person who gave you the compliment. Don’t make them feel bad for complimenting you. Heck, you should feel great that someone had something nice to say about you. The world craves people to accept and value them. That is what a compliment is doing; it says that, “You are a good person with value and I am pointing that out to you!” Never again dismiss a compliment :)
12. You limit yourself

One of my dear mentors asked me a question when I was a new Entrepreneur. He said, “What would you attempt if you knew that you could NOT fail?” We limit ourselves in our thinking. You can do anything you put your mind to. Like the great Napoleon Hill said, “what ever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve!” Never forget that, and don’t limit yourself.

So after reading this, how many of these 12 Destructive Habits That Are Keeping You Stuck do you have? Don’t try to fix all of them at once. Take 1 or 2 at a time and work on them. Once you have turned the bad habit into a good habit, move on to the next. 

Did you get value from this post? If you did, please share this and comment below. Let me know if you can think of any other destructive habits that might keep people stuck.

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Send me an email if you have any questions or if you are ready to move your life forward with an opportunity, let’s talk and see how I might be able to help you. Send your email to:

How To Stay Motivated In Your Business

How To Stay Motivated In Your Business

How to stay motivated in your business is a battle that all entrepreneurs face from time to time. Do you find it hard for you to stay motivated sometimes? I know that you probably read motivational books and listen to inspirational speakers every day (at least you should be!). There is more to motivation than just being inspired from outside influences. In fact, true motivation comes from within- I will cover this in the video below. In this White Board training, I will explain several topics that a lot of people in Network Marketing or Home Business struggle with, such as: how you can have endless motivation, how to determine who to work with in your business, and why some people that you talk to will NEVER join your business!

Yes, it is true, some people will not join your business or see the vision no matter how hard you try to “sell” them on your opportunity. Furthermore, If you do get a new person in your business, there are some early signs that you can see if you know what to look for to determine if you should spend your time working with them. I wish that I had this training when I got started in Network Marketing 15 years ago!! If you struggle in any of these categories, this video will rock you!

If you keep working on your big aspiration circle, you will never have to wonder how to stay motivated, and continue to strive to build your business bigger and bigger.

Did this help? If you found value in this, please comment below and share this post!

To Your Success,
Ken's signature


P.S.- Learn how to market your business online, get more leads, sign up more reps, and make money even when people say NO to your opportunity! Fill in your information below.

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3 Easy Ways To Creating Content For Your Business

3 Easy Ways To Creating Content For Your Business

The content that you create is very important if you are using the internet to market your business opportunity and products. Have you ever sat in front of your computer or camera and wondered, “What can I talk about or share that will be helpful?” I have, many times! In this video below, I will give you 3 easy ways to create content. What makes it easy to come up with content ideas is the fact that what I’m going to share with you is right at your fingertips. You don’t have to be a guru or know everything about Home Business, Network Marketing, or even be a top earner. All you have to do is take action on what I am sharing with you!

Creating content on a consistent basis will allow your followers and people who find you on the internet to begin to know, like, and trust you. When that happens, you will have people asking you to buy your products or join your business! How cool is that? It all begins with the content that you put out that your target audience wants or needs. This could be; how to get more leads, sponsor more reps in their businesses, or just flat out make more money! If you provide the solution to those things, your target audience will see you as the go-to person where they can get valuable information on how to grow their business.

Now, on to the 3 easy ways to create content- Watch the video below and take notes!

How simple is that? If you use the tips from this video, you will never have to wonder what content you can put out into the marketplace. The biggest problem you will have is to find the time to get all of the content out there! That is a good problem to have!

If you found value in this training, please drop me a comment below and share this post! I always love to hear feedback from my readers. Thank you!

To Your Success,
Ken's signature


P.S.- If you would like more detailed training on how to PROPERLY market your business online and get results, fill in your information below and you will find out how the top earners market and make their money online. It will blow you away!

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Learn how the top earners make more in one month than most people make in one year, and how YOU can BUILD YOUR CURRENT BUSINESS and EARN like a Rockstar Today!

Prospect Closing Scripts That Work EVERY TIME For Your Business

Prospect Closing Scripts That Work EVERY TIME For Your Business

Prospect closing and registering people into your business is very important to the growth of your business. Have you ever finished showing your business opportunity or had a prospect watch your presentation on a link that you sent them, and then had no idea what to say next? Perhaps you are like most people in Network Marketing who will say something like, “So what do you think?” or “Do you like what you saw?” Those lines are worn out and do not work! It is not your fault, though. You have probably been trained by an upline or someone that was helping you in business who did not know how to close prospects. This blog post will help you to close more prospects and get more sign ups in your business. 

Warning: the scripts in this video are extremely powerful and easy to use!

If you continue to use the same prospect closing scripts that you have always used, you will keep getting the same results of trying to grow your business. Use the two prospect closing methods that I taught in this video, and you will have a much better chance at signing up new members to your team. Have fun with your newly found tools and don’t make a big deal out of getting someone signed up in your business. If you don’t make it a big deal, your prospect won’t either!

Did you find value in this? If you did, please drop me a comment below and share this post with anyone who you know could benefit!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- If you want MORE TRAINING on how to close prospects, share your opportunity, or connect with prospects out in the marketplace, CLICK HERE!

How to handle objections-"I want to think about it"

How to handle objections-“I want to think about it”

Handling objections can be a tricky thing if you have not learned how to effectively answer them. If you have encountered objections from prospects when looking to sponsor reps into your Home Business opportunity, you may have felt stumped and at a loss for words, which can be very frustrating! One of the objections that I struggled with early on in my Home Business career was the “I want to think about it” objection. It used to stop me right in my tracks because if I said anything other than, “okay,” I felt like I was being pushy or coming across like a pushy salesman.

I would say things like, “what do you need to think about?” or “do you need to think about making money or saving money?” None of these rebuttals worked because they would just answer again that they needed to think about it!

In the video below, I show you the exact method of how to overcome the “I want to think about it” objection and what you can do to have more success in sponsoring reps into your Network Marketing business! It may be different from what you have heard in the past, but it is very effective!

How to handle the "I want to think about it" objection

Have you been stumped before when a prospect tells you that they want to "Think about it?" I have a ton of times! In this video, I share with you what one of my mentors taught me on how to overcome the "I want to think about it" objection and the Psychology of how to do it.***If you would like more teaching on how to handle objections for your Network Marketing business, CLICK HERE:

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Tuesday, October 20, 2015

This method seems pretty easy, right? If you learn how to manage the conversation, and you maintain your control and posture, you will have much more success in handling objections!

If you found value in this information, please comment and share!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Do you want more training on how to handle every objection that you would get in Network Marketing? CLICK HERE for more information!

Walk Away

Walk Away

Do you feel like you are trying to drag people to success? Are you getting tired of “selling” people on why they should get in business with you or why they should see your opportunity? Well I have a solution for you!

Before I give you the solution, I want you to understand that prospecting and recruiting for your Network Marketing business is 98% attitude. You need to understand what it is that you bring to the table and understand that you are able to offer a phenomenal opportunity that can change the lives of the people who take advantage of it.

In the video below, I offer you a solution if: you are getting no-showed at the coffee shops when trying to show your business opportunity, people tell you that they are going to get in business with you and don’t, prospects don’t think that Network Marketing will work for them, and multiple other situations that you encounter. Enjoy the video and please leave me a comment if you got value from this post!

Walk AwayDo you ever feel like you have to talk people into joining your team? Do you feel like you are constantly dragging and bugging people to see your business opportunity? I have the SOLUTION for you! WATCH NOW!
Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Wednesday, August 19, 2015

There are too many people in the world to get caught up on one or two prospects. If you take this attitude, you will not waste any more time on the people who shouldn’t be in your business, but you will spend the time helping to change the lives of others; and changing the world!!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Do you want to sponsor more reps, get more leads, and make more money with your biz? Hurry up and fill in your info below to find out what you need to be doing NOW!

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