The Jedi Secret To Start Conversations While Cold Market Prospecting

The Jedi Secret To Start Conversations While Cold Market Prospecting

Cold market prospecting is a large part of building a successful Network Marketing business. You have to continually add to your “list” of candidates that you would like to share your business opportunity with. The biggest obstacle that I find Network Marketers have (and I had myself) is starting conversations with strangers when you are out and about. You upline or mentor may have taught you some cold market prospecting techniques when you ran out of your initial list of friends and family, but are the techniques working for you?

So how can you start conversations with strangers in order to turn them into potential business owners?

It can be very frustrating to know that you must add more prospects to your list, but you just don’t know how. Wouldn’t it be helpful to have a simple training on Network Marketing cold market tips without having to memorize a bunch of scripts? To have something that you can use each and every time that you go out and prospect? 

Well I have good news for you! I made a very simple to understand cold market prospecting training video- The Jedi Secret To Start Conversations While Cold Market Prospecting. In this video you will learn the Jedi secret on how to start conversations with strangers wherever and whenever you want! How empowering would it feel if you just knew that you could talk to anybody at anytime? 

If you want the Jedi secret, watch the cold market prospecting training video below!


Once you understand the Jedi secret of cold market prospecting, you will never run out of prospects to share your business opportunity with! You will now be able to build your business from a position of strength rather than weakness (begging people to join your business), because you will know in your mind that you don’t need any ONE person; that there are tons of people that you can talk to!

Want More Resources On Cold Market Prospecting Training?

Cold Marketing Prospecting Script

Cold Market Prospecting Training – How To Never Run Out of Prospects

3 Rules to Connecting with Strangers (Cold Market Prospecting)

Did this help? If so, feel free to comment below and share it with other people you feel can benefit!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 7 people), This is the Course you Should Get- Sponsoring Secrets Pro

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Where to go from here - Headless businessman with question mark - Doubts and insecurities concept

How To Answer The “What Is It?” Question

Do you ever get the, “What is it?” question when you are prospecting for your Network Marketing business? I used to get it all the time! I would be talking to a prospect at a gas station and I would ask the money question only to get the response, “Yeah I am open to making money, what is it?” 15 minutes later I would be still trying to answer every question out there from what is the name of the company to how do you make the money? Clearly, this was not very effective for me! Can you relate?

That single question of “What is it?” stumps most Network Marketers and stops them right in their tracks. You see, they want to answer all of the questions that the prospect has so that they don’t seem like they are hiding anything, but then the prospect makes a decision as to whether or not they want to get more information about the opportunity based on a 5-10 minute conversation instead of actually seeing the opportunity. This can become very frustrating!!

One of my mentors, Ray Higdon, taught me a very helpful and simple way to get past the “What is it?” question and I am going to share it with you in this video!

Is that easy or what?! Do you think that the next time you are talking to somebody online of offline about your business opportunity, you can use the tip that I just taught you? I can tell you from personal experience- IT WORKS!

If you got value from this tip, please comment below and share!

To Your Success,
Ken's signature

P.S.- Do you need more help with marketing and prospecting for your business? Do you want to know what the 4 part strategy is that the TOP EARNERS do? Fill in your information below and the secrets will be revealed to you!

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Cold Market Prospecting For Network Marketing

Cold Market Prospecting For Network Marketing

If you have been in the Network Marketing industry for any length of time, you know that, at some point, you will run out of your friends and family to share your business opportunity with. Maybe you are new to Network Marketing (congrats!) and you are in the process of talking to friends and family about your opportunity. If you want a big business with walk away income, there will come a time when you will have to talk to people in the “cold market” about partnering up with you in business (cold market prospecting). 

Prospecting in the cold market takes some practice to get really good at. Some people are fearful of talking to “strangers,” but with some persistence and practice, you will be able to talk to anyone, anywhere! 

In the video below, I was answering a question from one of my followers who wanted to know when you are in the cold market, do you develop a rapport with the prospect first, or do you just simply pop the question of whether or not they are looking to generate more money? I thought that it was a good question that many other Network Marketers may have, so I wanted to put it in a video to get it out to people like yourself!


Cold Market ProspectingCold Market Prospecting: Be effective and get results in the “cold” market when prospecting for your Network Marketing Business! #NetworkMarketing #MLMtips #VictoryBoomSquad

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Saturday, August 29, 2015

Did this help you? If you continually work on meeting people in the cold market, you will get more comfortable and can literally expand your business wherever you are!
If you found value in this video, please comment below and share it with those who are struggling to prospect in the cold market!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- If you have some questions about building your business that you would like answered, feel free to email me at: