How to stay motivated in your business is a battle that all entrepreneurs face from time to time. Do you find it hard for you to stay motivated sometimes? I know that you probably read motivational books and listen to inspirational speakers every day (at least you should be!). There is more to motivation than just being inspired from outside influences. In fact, true motivation comes from within- I will cover this in the video below. In this White Board training, I will explain several topics that a lot of people in Network Marketing or Home Business struggle with, such as: how you can have endless motivation, how to determine who to work with in your business, and why some people that you talk to will NEVER join your business!
Yes, it is true, some people will not join your business or see the vision no matter how hard you try to “sell” them on your opportunity. Furthermore, If you do get a new person in your business, there are some early signs that you can see if you know what to look for to determine if you should spend your time working with them. I wish that I had this training when I got started in Network Marketing 15 years ago!! If you struggle in any of these categories, this video will rock you!
If you keep working on your big aspiration circle, you will never have to wonder how to stay motivated, and continue to strive to build your business bigger and bigger.
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