How To Stay Motivated In Your Business

How To Stay Motivated In Your Business

How to stay motivated in your business is a battle that all entrepreneurs face from time to time. Do you find it hard for you to stay motivated sometimes? I know that you probably read motivational books and listen to inspirational speakers every day (at least you should be!). There is more to motivation than just being inspired from outside influences. In fact, true motivation comes from within- I will cover this in the video below. In this White Board training, I will explain several topics that a lot of people in Network Marketing or Home Business struggle with, such as: how you can have endless motivation, how to determine who to work with in your business, and why some people that you talk to will NEVER join your business!

Yes, it is true, some people will not join your business or see the vision no matter how hard you try to “sell” them on your opportunity. Furthermore, If you do get a new person in your business, there are some early signs that you can see if you know what to look for to determine if you should spend your time working with them. I wish that I had this training when I got started in Network Marketing 15 years ago!! If you struggle in any of these categories, this video will rock you!

If you keep working on your big aspiration circle, you will never have to wonder how to stay motivated, and continue to strive to build your business bigger and bigger.

Did this help? If you found value in this, please comment below and share this post!

To Your Success,
Ken's signature


P.S.- Learn how to market your business online, get more leads, sign up more reps, and make money even when people say NO to your opportunity! Fill in your information below.

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How to handle objections-"I want to think about it"

How to handle objections-“I want to think about it”

Handling objections can be a tricky thing if you have not learned how to effectively answer them. If you have encountered objections from prospects when looking to sponsor reps into your Home Business opportunity, you may have felt stumped and at a loss for words, which can be very frustrating! One of the objections that I struggled with early on in my Home Business career was the “I want to think about it” objection. It used to stop me right in my tracks because if I said anything other than, “okay,” I felt like I was being pushy or coming across like a pushy salesman.

I would say things like, “what do you need to think about?” or “do you need to think about making money or saving money?” None of these rebuttals worked because they would just answer again that they needed to think about it!

In the video below, I show you the exact method of how to overcome the “I want to think about it” objection and what you can do to have more success in sponsoring reps into your Network Marketing business! It may be different from what you have heard in the past, but it is very effective!

How to handle the "I want to think about it" objection

Have you been stumped before when a prospect tells you that they want to "Think about it?" I have a ton of times! In this video, I share with you what one of my mentors taught me on how to overcome the "I want to think about it" objection and the Psychology of how to do it.***If you would like more teaching on how to handle objections for your Network Marketing business, CLICK HERE:

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Tuesday, October 20, 2015

This method seems pretty easy, right? If you learn how to manage the conversation, and you maintain your control and posture, you will have much more success in handling objections!

If you found value in this information, please comment and share!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Do you want more training on how to handle every objection that you would get in Network Marketing? CLICK HERE for more information!

Are You Frustrated With The Reps On Your Team?

Are You Frustrated With The Reps On Your Team?

Having been in the Network Marketing industry for over 15 years, there have been countless times for my wife and I that we got frustrated with the reps on our team who weren’t producing. We would always wonder why so and so was not doing anything in their business when they said that they wanted to make money to retire, get out of debt, you name it.

There will always be people in your Network Marketing business who get started with you thinking that their registration number is like a Lotto ticket, and they are just waiting for your company to call them and say that they have the lucky number! They get in business and just “hope” that it works. Many times it is difficult to identify these people because they start out doing and saying all the right things, only to do nothing!

So what do you do if you are pulling your hair out with frustration if the people who you register in your business are not doing anything? This video below was made for YOU! There is a simple solution…watch the video below!

Are You Frustrated With The Reps Not Producing On Your Team?Are you frustrated with the reps on your team who are not producing? THIS VIDEO will help you!Visit my blog: www.getmotivatedforsuccess.comto get your Instant FREE copy of19 Lead Sources For Your Business

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Did that give you a different perspective? It is no fun dulling your sharpened ax on a rock when you can easily take a few steps to your left or right and chop down that tree!

If you found value in this post/video, please drop me a comment and show a brotha some love :)

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- At the end of the video I mentioned that I have made available to you a FREE report to help you get more leads for your business. Click Here and grab it now!

Stop Trying To Please Everyone

Stop Trying To Please Everyone

Are you suffering from the “trying to please everyone syndrome?” Do you want try to do everything in your power to not disappoint people? I find that a lot of people suffer from this issue.

If you are an entrepreneur, you most likely have fallen victim to this thought process. You see, we as entrepreneurs are automatically misunderstood and placed in a totally different category than the rest of society. We are classed as weird, dreamers, unrealistic, and kook-aid drinking, brainwashed people who are odd. Doesn’t sound like a good group to be in does it?

What you have to understand is that there are some people who intentionally want to misunderstand you. They want to be at odds with you and will never try to see things from your perspective. My advice to you is- Stop trying to please them! In fact, you should not even waste your brain space on them. I know this can be difficult if it is a close friend, family member, or someone else who you value their advice and opinion. What you have to do, however, is ignore the people who are not helping you to achieve your goals and stick around the people who are encouraging you. In the video below I go into much more detail on why you should stop trying to please everyone. Hope this helps you :)

Stop Trying To Please EveryoneMy message to you: Stop Trying To Please Everyone!

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Did that help you? Do you see why you should not try to please everyone? If this helped, please share this post/video and shoot me a comment!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Do you need more prospects to talk to about your opportunity? Grab you FREE report: 19 Lead Sources For Your Business NOW! 

Can You Convince People To Succeed

Can You Convince People To Succeed?

I was asked a question by a someone in Network Marketing, “How can I convince or get the people on my business team to succeed?” The simple answer that I gave was that “You Can’t!”

Instead of just giving the simple answer, I wanted to elaborate on my answer of why you can’t convince others to succeed so I shot a video explaining how you can’t help those people who don’t want to be helped. If someone is too lazy or wants everything handed to them, and they are not willing to put in the work to succeed, there is nothing you can do for them.

However, there are three things that I feel are your responsibility as a leader that actually can assist people in succeeding. These are very important actions that all successful business owners do.

Watch the video below to learn why you can’t convince people to succeed and what you as a leader must do to help people on your team!

Convincing Them To SucceedI was asked a question by a someone in Network Marketing, “How can I convince or get the people on my business team to succeed?” The answer is in the video!! motivated@kkglobalmarketing.comPhone: 954-854-3717

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Thursday, June 11, 2015

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- If you found value in this, please share this with your team or anyone else you feel will benefit from this information. Leave a comment and let me know how you liked this video!