Every business and company has a target audience. If you are watching TV and stick around to see the commercials, virtually every one of them is geared toward a particular audience. It could be a safer vehicle for the young family that has a new born baby, to the hip I-Phone cases for teenagers, to the newest computer or technology for the veteran sales pro. The commercials are all designed to “target” the audience or market who is most likely to need, want, or purchase their products and services.
So what about your Network Marketing business? Do you have a “target” audience that needs, wants, or desires your products or opportunity? Before you answer that question, I want to give you a very valuable hint that took me years to learn. Hint: It is not EVERYBODY! When my wife and I started our business, we were told to talk to everyone within a 3 foot radius about our opportunity. It did work to some extent, but do you want to walk around everyday hunting, or I mean, talking to everyone that you lay eyes on? My guess is probably not! It wasn’t until later that I learned that you can prospect everyone, but market to your target audience; speak their language and understand the issues that keep them up at night, and then show them how to solve their issue. That is a key tip right there! If you try to market to everyone, you will get no one!
Are you ready for the answer that can change the way that you build and market your business? Watch this short video and I will provide the answer on who YOUR target audience is and why. Enjoy!
When I learned who my target audience was, it changed the way that I grew my business. It was pretty eye opening at first, but the more I thought about who I needed to target and mold my marketing around and why, it made perfect sense!
If this has helped you, please comment and share this with other business owners who may be struggling to identify their target audience. Also, if you are looking for a way to market and attract your particular target audience for your business, be sure to fill in your information below and learn what and how the big earners in Network Marketing are growing their businesses.
To Your Success,
Ken Cloutier