Who is Your Target Audience in Network Marketing-

Who is Your Target Audience in Network Marketing?

Every business and company has a target audience. If you are watching TV and stick around to see the commercials, virtually every one of them is geared toward a particular audience. It could be a safer vehicle for the young family that has a new born baby, to the hip I-Phone cases for teenagers, to the newest computer or technology for the veteran sales pro. The commercials are all designed to “target” the audience or market who is most likely to need, want, or purchase their products and services

So what about your Network Marketing business? Do you have a “target” audience that needs, wants, or desires your products or opportunity? Before you answer that question, I want to give you a very valuable hint that took me years to learn. Hint: It is not EVERYBODY! When my wife and I started our business, we were told to talk to everyone within a 3 foot radius about our opportunity. It did work to some extent, but do you want to walk around everyday hunting, or I mean, talking to everyone that you lay eyes on? My guess is probably not! It wasn’t until later that I learned that you can prospect everyone, but market to your target audience; speak their language and understand the issues that keep them up at night, and then show them how to solve their issue. That is a key tip right there! If you try to market to everyone, you will get no one!

Are you ready for the answer that can change the way that you build and market your business? Watch this short video and I will provide the answer on who YOUR target audience is and why. Enjoy!



When I learned who my target audience was, it changed the way that I grew my business. It was pretty eye opening at first, but the more I thought about who I needed to target and mold my marketing around and why, it made perfect sense!

If this has helped you, please comment and share this with other business owners who may be struggling to identify their target audience. Also, if you are looking for a way to market and attract your particular target audience for your business, be sure to fill in your information below and learn what and how the big earners in Network Marketing are growing their businesses.


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To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier





Stifle your career and business success

7 Failure Expressions That Will Stifle Your Career and Business

You probably know people who just can’t seem to push ahead in their career or who have never started a business or led large groups of people, they all seem to mimic the same speech patterns. They talk the same negative language. Here are 7 failure expressions that will stifle your career and business that they always use. Identify this negative talk in others, or in yourself, and you’ll find the kink in your business or career growth.

1. “That’s Impossible”

Unsuccessful people are always pointing out what is not possible. They look for the negative in every situation and why something will not work. They will see a business opportunity and look for every reason why it will fail rather than how it can work or benefit them. At work, they sit in boardroom meetings and shoot down every good, out-of-the-box thought or idea and would rather stick to how it has always been done. They lack vision and live in a world of impossibilities; they have a can’t-do attitude and they are sinking their own ship of success.

2. “I can do it by myself”

When you hear someone on your business team or a colleague at work insisting how they can finish a project or can build a business better without any help from other employees or partners, take note: That person is going to slow things down and is ruining the project or growth of his or her business. He or she will not create an atmosphere of success but has only his or her ambition in mind. Ironically enough, unsuccessful people are always those who push their own agenda and don’t see the value of teamwork or other ideas other than their own. That’s the very thing that ruins their career or business. Look for the help or ideas of a mentor or other colleagues to help you reach your goals.

3. “I have a problem with that”

Nitpickers never prosper. Have you ever worked with someone who would always find a problem and then over focus on it? Unsuccessful people will beat the problem to a pulp pointing the finger at any and everyone who could have caused it. They never look at themselves as being part of the problem. Furthermore, they don’t want to solve the problem at hand. Ideas and solutions will be turned down because they are only focused on the problem rather than the solutions. Either work to solve the problem or accept it. Continuing to harp on the issue at hand will only bring the business team or work atmosphere down.

4. “I like my own idea better”

Have you noticed how people at work or in business sometimes like only their own ideas? It is a sign of selfishness and shows an inability to embrace the team objective. Those who like and promote only their own ideas are severely limited, because none of us can achieve success with only our own ideas. Imagine trying to build a company by never entertaining any other ideas? Your company will only grow as far as you can think. We all need to receive differing ideas that we may not have thought about. Collaboration always propels a company forward. In this case, it can propel your career or business forward. 

5. “Let me check my schedule first”

Ah, yes, the “I’m busy” syndrome! If someone always insists on checking his or her schedule for availability, that person is inhibiting their career or business success. It might be a valid excuse, but it could also be a way to avoid being helpful and taking action. In my experience, when someone is always referring to their schedule, it usually means that person is sending a message about being too busy. He or she says, “Let me check ‘my’ schedule” instead of figuring out how they can take the necessary action to accomplish a task or goal. Let’s face it, we are all busy doing something and we all have been granted 24 hours in a day. However, is what you are “so busy” doing getting you closer or further from your goals? Successful people know and understand how to prioritize their schedules so that they can accomplish the things that will help them get to their ultimate goal first, and then arrange to complete the other tasks. Sometimes, it’s better to just jump on an opportunity and worry about reorganizing your priorities and schedule later. Oftentimes, that opportunity that you are too busy for will come to you only once. You may have just missed out on what you were looking for because you were, “too busy!”

6. “You must be wrong about that”

This phrase is a red flag on the road to success because the person saying it is assuming the people he or she works with or partners with don’t know anything; the person believes there is only one “right” person, and it is them! That’s rarely the case. Instead, it’s a sign of success when you admit that you need help. It’s better to accept that others might be right about something and accept your own limitations. This allows for a culture of growth and transparency. Nobody is always right regardless of how many degrees they have. Admit when you are wrong or don’t know something and you will be more respected than if you act like you are the one who is always right. 

7. “I can’t”

Unsuccessful people like to talk about what they can’t do. Starting a business or furthering your career means embracing the fact that there will be countless roadblocks and situations that come up that will seem like you can’t overcome them. Instead, talk about what you can do! People will tell you what is not possible, but when anyone starts using the word can’t, it means trouble. They have given up. Reprogram your mind to help you work around the roadblocks and situations by saying “how can I” instead of saying “I can’t.” This simple rephrasing of words will help you creative juices start flowing and help you come up with solutions to your challenges.

Success in your career or business is just as much about your thought process and speech patterns as it is doing the physical actions to reach your goals. Learn and develop a success thought pattern and speech that will give you the edge over being average to becoming successful. If you utilize the phrases and expressions that I have pointed out, you will separate yourself from the masses of mediocrity and fulfill the goals and visions for your career or business.

For more success thought process, you can get my 10 Day Blueprint where I will send you a video for 10 days on various success principles that you can use in your career or business for maximum impact! Best of all, it is FREE! Grab it now and I will see you on the other side.

To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier




3 Tips to Living the Life That You Want

3 Tips to Living the Life That You Want!

Has your life been in a slump? Are you unsure about what you want to do or accomplish? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Listen as I give you 3 quick success tips on how you can get out of your funk and begin to live the life that you were meant to live!


For more success principles and tips, grab your free copy of my 10 Day Blueprint series. Each day you will receive an e-mail with a success principle that you can work on and add to your success tools! This is a must for anyone who seeks to learn what all successful people know.

To Your Success!
Ken Cloutier

Time for change

Why Successful People Embrace Change (And You Should, Too!)

Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. Have you heard that before? Many have, yet that is precisely what they do. The same things over and over expecting different results only to find themselves in the same position and unhappy. The only way to break that insane cycle is to change something! Most people hate change because it takes them out of their comfort zone of what they already know. They don’t want to feel exposed or threatened with something that they have not experienced. It is simply the fear of the unknown.

Breaking through this fear of the unknown is exactly how someone can get out of the insanity cycle. They have to be willing to change! With change, anxiety, fear, and mistakes will be felt. However, with change, excitement, adventure, and confidence will obtained. When you overcome the fear of change through takng action, you will see challenges that you had before in a whole new light. If you thought that you could never speak in front of people and then you make changes to your attitude and thought process all while taking action, talking in front of people is no longer a big deal. The key here is that you have to decide to make the changes in order to get different results. We feel like we are already a good person and therefore, don’t need to change. Or perhaps you have a “Well, that is just who I am” attitude. The question that you need to ask yourself is, “Am I happy with where I am at?” If you are happy, then maybe you don’t need to change. If you are not happy with whatever it is in your life, then change is needed and do it now!

The change that is required of you is based on what you want to change the results of. For example, If you are sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck, you need to change your income options. You would either need to make more money at your job, get another job paying more money, or make some money outside and away from your job. Whatever you decide is fine, but you have to do something. The extra money will not magically just show up in your bank account. It will require a conscious decision from you to make one of these options mentioned above happen.

Don’t be afraid to change. In fact, change is a good thing! It allows us to learn new concepts and ideas, experience new situations and environments. The only way to grow is to change. You cannot expect to move further in your career, be a better family person, or make a difference in the world if you are not willing to change who you are today. My mentor always says that you are either growing or dying, but never staying in the same place. Only you can decide to change.

If you would like to work with us to learn how you can grow and change financially through a business opportunity, click here and let us help you!

 To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier



No Selling

The Proper Attitude & Posture for Business Success

If you are new to business or considering a business opportunity, the concept of offering an opportunity to someone rather than selling it is a big adjustment that many people have to make. Having been in network marketing for a number of years, I have seen many new people get in business excited and ready to tell everyone about their new venture. One of the first things that I caution them against is trying to sell their friends, family, and network on getting in business with them. You see, for the average network marketer, the prevailing thought is that they have to sell someone on getting in business with them. That is a huge misconception. The successful network marketer will simply offer their opportunity to someone and the person will either accpet or reject it.

The mindset that a successful network business owner should have is that they are looking for a board of directors for their business. You want someone who is going to be the right fit and have similar views on business and opportunity. You would not sell people on becoming part of your board of directors would you? No, you would simply share the opportunity with them and if they want to take it, great! If not, great! It is nuts to try to sell or convince someone to make money. They have to want it for themselves, you just provide the opportunity! Remember this: “A man convinced against his will is still unconvined.”

If you go on a job interview, in most cases, the employer is not selling you on taking the job. If anything, you are selling yourself on why they should choose you over other qualified candidates. In network marketing you should take the stance of the employer. People should be selling themselves on why you should help them and not the other way around. Within the model of network marketing, you need people to expand your business and become profitable, but, you don’t need any ONE person. If someone is not excited about joining you in business, then move on to the next. 

When you offer an opportunity and don’t sell it, you have what I call business posture. Business posture is simply a mind set or air of confidence that shows you don’t need just any person. When you have this confidence and business posture, you will attract more people to you. They will take you serious. Generally speaking, people want what they can’t have. You must be prepared to walk away from the deal if you do not feel like the person would be a good fit for your business. If you have the right business attitude and posture, the person with whom you are sitting down and offering the opportunity to should understand and know that you will be successful whether or not they join your business opportunity. There have been many times that I have walked away from a prospective business partner (not in a mean way) whom I did not feel was serious about the opportunity or overly skeptical and untrusting. Would you want to be in a business with someone who didn’t even trust you or seemed as though they were just looking for a get rich quick scheme? You shouldn’t. They will only waste your time and leave you frustrated.

I can’t over emphasize enough that if you are new in business or even thinking about going into business for yourself, please don’t sell your opportunity. Instead, offer it with enthusiasm and the right people will see the opportunity for what it is worth and want to partner up with  you!

If this concept makes sense to you and you would like to learn more about how you can partner with me and my business team, click here now and provide some general information so that we can connect and understand more about how we can help you!!

To Your Success!

Ken Cloutier


Stand out from the crowd

5 secrets to stand out and rise above the crowd!

If you are a young professional in Corporate America, or you are an aspiring Entrepreneur who is looking to make connections and build or join a business team, standing out form the crowd is important. What sets you apart from everyone else and how can you show it? Why would someone want you to join their company or business? Obviously there are a lot of factors that play into if a job or business is the right fit, such as personality, overall business/career goals, and mission of the company or business. Since I have had the privilege of mentoring many young, ambitious individuals on our business team for several years, I have outlined some qualities or traits that I look for in someone that will help you to raise your head above the crowd.

1. Take initiative: Ask questions, seek answers and mentorship. As much of a tech savy world we live in, you must be willing to go out and find the information. My mother always says that you don’t need to know everything, you just need to know where to find it! Be resourseful and you will stand out.

2. Have a PMA: A Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is looking at things with a glass-half-full mentality. Let’s face it, things don’t always go our way, but it is how we respond that really determines whether or not we have a positive or negative attitude. I had a day not long ago that could have really sent me over the edge of negativity. In the morning I got a flat tire on the highway during rush hour traffic. After pulling over and taking out my spare tire, I realized that I did not have a jack in my trunk! 1 hour later the Road Ranger came and changed my tire. Later on that same day, I got ticketed for not wearing a seat belt as I pulled out of a parking lot. I had reached down to get something and was going to put it back on but it was too late! Ticket! That day I refused to let myself have a pity party; it was still going to be a great day and I made it so! It was all about my attitude. Do you have a PMA even when things don’t go well?

3. Have Goals: Know where you want to go and what you are willing to do to get there. Have you ever spoken to someone who had no goals? What a dull and boring conversation it is! Nobody wants to work with or hire a person who does not have any idea of what they want or where they want to go in life. Goals give you life! Goals give you the reason to get up and get out in the morning. You have to be willing to pay the price to achieve your goals. Success in anything does not come easy nor over night. Be willing to fight for your goals and dreams and do what it takes to achieve them- legally of course!

4. Be open to taking risks and keep an open mind: Don’t be so critical about everything that you miss opportunities and chances to excel. I have seen many individuals that I have shared my business with be so analytical and overly critical that they don’t even see the opportunity for what it is…an opportunity! No one will want to work with you if all you do is find the negative in everything and are not willing to take a risk or have an open mind. After all, part of success is taking a chance or risk in the first place. If you are not willing to change, then you will not be able to grow professionally or in business in order to achieve your goals.

5. Be a Go-Getter: Have a can-do attitude about everything, even if you don’t now how to do something or don’t have the experience. A prospective employer or business partner will want to know that you are willing to learn and/or overcome obstacles along the way. Don’t give excuses on why you can’t do something, figure it out, and if you can’t, ask for help. This is part of having a PMA.

These are some of the major qualities that will help you to stand out from the rest of your peers. As always, there are exceptions, but if you adopt these traits and thought processes, you will attract great people that will help you advance in your business or career.

I invite you to join our winning team and learn how you can make money!! Click here to request more information and let us know how you stand out from the crowd!

To your Success!

Ken Cloutier





10 Clues That You Might Be An Entrepreneur

Have you ever wondered if you are an entrepreneur or have the traits for being an entrepreneur? Here are 10 Clues that you might be:

1. If, while at work, you are thinking of ways that you could be making money for yourself, you might be an entrepreneur.

2. If you don’t feel like you are paid your worth for the work you do at your job, you might be an entrepreneur.

3. If you don’t being told what to do, you might be an entrepreneur.

4. If you don’t like waking up to an alarm clock everyday, you might be an entrepreneur.

5. If you don’t want a ceiling on how much money that you will make this year, you might be an entrepreneur.

6. If you would rather spend 8-10 hours a day doing what you want to do rather than be in cubicle city, you might be an entrepreneur.

7. If your friends and family think that you are crazy because you have a dream about being better than average, you might be an entrepreneur.

8. If you want to call the shots and make the decisions about your future, you might be an entrepreneur.

9. If you want time and financial freedom in your life, you might be an entrepreneur.

10. If you want to make a difference in the world and help others, you just might be an entrepreneur.

Do you have any of these traits? If you find that you have more of these traits than not, you may want to consider doing something to quench your entrepreneurial thirst. We are always looking for people who are wanting or open to starting something on their own to make money. If you feel that you fit into this category, please watch the video and fill out the Join a winning team profile and let’s connect!

Feel free to comment and let me know some of your clues that you might be an entrepreneur.

To your success!

Ken Cloutier 

Multiple ways to make money

The Importance of a Second Income

You have heard the same information on your local news about jobs being cut and the slim chances of the economy taking a turn for the better. Many people are simply holding on for the ride or sticking their heads in the sand and hoping that everything gets better.

But why put your fate into the hands of political officials to make decisions on the economy for you and your family? Why not develop another way to make income outside and away from your current profession, career, or school? There are benefits to making money and starting your own home based business.

Having multiple streams of income allows you to not only generate more income to your bottom line, but it also helps you prepare for a rainy day. God forbid you or your significant other get laid off from your job, what happens then? Do you have a game plan? I would hope that you are not one of those individuals that think “it couldn’t happen to me.” As I’m sure you are well aware, it can.

So how can you create a secondary source of income when you are topped out on time and may even be working two jobs? What I have found as a great way to make money is to leverage my time with a business system where you can make money even when you are not there. In other words, the income is not solely based on your efforts!

There are many ways to make additional income and I am not professing that there is only one way to do that. I am however, urging you to take some serious thought into having multiple streams of income. You will be thankful you did in the years to come.

Find out more about what my wife and I do! We love to partner with ambitious people who want more out of life.

To your Success!

Ken Cloutier




12 Things Mentally Tough People DO NOT DO

Being mentally tough is essential for success in any endeavor. I have outlined some actions that mentally tough individuals DO NOT DO. Are you avoiding these 12 things?

Mentally Tough People DO NOT…

1. Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves: You don’t see mentally tough people feeling sorry for their circumstances or dwelling on the way that they have been mistreated. They have learned to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes, and they have an inherent understanding of the fact that, many times life is not fair. They are able to emerge from difficult circumstances with self-awareness and gratitude for the lessons learned.

2. Give Away Their Self-Esteem: Mentally tough people avoid giving others the power to make them feel inferior or bad. They understand they are in control of their actions and emotions. They know their strength is in their ability to manage the way they respond and maintain a positive self-esteem regardless of what is being said.

3. Fight Change: Mentally tough people embrace change and they welcome challenge. Their biggest “fear,” if they have one, is not of the unknown, but of becoming complacent and stagnant. An environment of change and even uncertainty can energize a mentally strong person and bring out their best. They are always looking for change and how they can improve upon the status quot.

4. Waste Time or Energy on Things They Can’t Control: Mentally tough people don’t complain about the news, weather, or other people. They recognize that all of these factors are generally beyond their control. In a bad situation, they understand that the only two things that they can control is their own actions and attitude.

5. Worry About Pleasing Others: Do you know people who are always looking to please others and do not want to “rock-the-boat? A mentally tough person strives to be kind and fair and to please others when necessary, but is unafraid to speak up and state their case even if it is the minority. They are able to withstand the possibility that someone will get upset and will handle the situation, wherever possible, with care and understanding.

6. Fear Taking Calculated Risks: A mentally tough person is willing to take calculated risks. This is a different thing entirely than jumping headlong into foolish risks and chances. With mental toughness, an individual can weigh the risks and benefits thoroughly, and assess the potential downsides and even the worst-case scenarios before they take action.

7. Dwell on the Past: There is strength in acknowledging the past and especially in acknowledging the things learned from past experiences—but a mentally tough person is able to avoid staying in a rut of previous disappointments or past histories. They invest the majority of their energy in creating a future that they want!

8. Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over: You have hear the definition of insanity, right? It’s doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. A mentally tough person accepts full responsibility for past behavior and is willing to learn from mistakes. They use self-reflection as a way of learning from their mistakes and moving on.

9. Become Jealous of Other People’s Success: It takes strength of character to feel genuine joy and excitement for other people’s success. Mentally tough people have this ability. They don’t become jealous or resentful when others succeed. They are willing to work hard for their own chances at success, without relying on shortcuts.

10. Give Up After Failure: Every failure is a chance to improve and learn. Every great entrepreneur will tell you that they experience many failures until success was reached. Mentally tough people are willing to fail again and again, if necessary, as long as the learning experience from every “failure” can bring them closer to their ultimate goals.

11. Feel the World Owes Them Anything: In today’s unstable economy, executives, employees, and entrepreneurs at every level are coming to grips with the realization that the world does not owe them a salary, a benefits package and a comfortable life, regardless of their scholastic skills or last name. Mentally tough people enter the market place prepared to work and succeed on their own skills and ability. In fact, they want to “earn” what they get!

12. Expect Results Overnight: Whether it’s a workout plan, a diet, or starting a business, mentally tough people are prepared to run a marathon towards success. They understand that immediate results do not always happen and that there is a process to go through; a beginning, middle, and an end. They apply their effort and time persistently and consistently celebrating incremental successes along the way. They understand that sowing and reaping is a real, active success principle. 

Do you have mental toughness? How have you overcome some of these obstacles in your life? Please comment.

If you are mentally tough and have been looking for a way to go after YOUR dreams, contact me and we can discuss how we can help you!

To Your Success!

Ken Cloutier


Why Success Is Exciting

I heard a great quote the other day from a former Major League Baseball coach. He was asked a question about the pressure of coaching in the World Series and the decisions that he had to make throughout the series. His response was, “It’s not exciting to succeed unless there is the danger of failing.” 

That statement is so profound. We all want everything we do to be a success, right? We want every prospect to purchase a product from us, we want everyone that we speak with to partner in business with us, we want to make an “A” on every term paper, and we want to get that next job promotion. If we succeeded at every single thing that we attempted, as cool as that may seem, I think that we would begin to get bored with life. It is the “danger” of failing that makes it fun to attempt to become successful at something. When you do succeed, the feeling of victory is so much sweeter knowing that you overcame obstacles and faced failure and kicked it in the butt! 

Embrace failure. Let it motivate you to become better. Although failure is part of the success process, don’t let it stop you from becoming great. Get excited about your journey to success; the ups and downs, the highs and lows. You will have your own story to tell. Nobody wants to hear someone talk about how they just succeed at everything that they tried and had no struggles or failures. Be the example that other people can point to when they talk about success; know that there is a danger of failing, but succeed anyway!

Learn how I can help you to make money and fire your boss!  See you on the other side!

To Your Success-

Ken Cloutier

