Have you had thoughts of owning your own business? Have you thought about what it would be like to be your own boss and plan your schedule instead of somebody else planning it? If you have said yes to both of these questions, you are not alone. In fact, in an online article by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, it was discovered that more than 70 percent of American adults would prefer to be an entrepreneur rather than work for someone else. With that being said, I would like to point out two major benefits of starting an online business and how it can enable you to become an entrepreneur.
The first benefit is TIME! When I speak with people about business ownership, one of the main reasons why they shy away from starting their own business is due to a perceived lack of time. If you fall into this category, I have great news for you. Consider this:
Most working adults will average 40 hr. work weeks (8 hr. days). This does not include getting the kids ready for school, putting on your best weekday clothes, and fighting “rush hour” traffic to and from work. When you add all of that time up, it drastically increases the amount of hours that they spend working at a job. It’s no wonder that people do not feel that they can start their own business outside of their jobs.
The beauty of online marketing businesses is that you can learn how to leverage your time. What I mean by that is you can literally duplicate yourself over and over. As an example, let’s just say that you want your own business and you are willing to find 1 hr per day in the work week to dedicate to your business- that is 5 hrs. per week. If you have a coach or mentor that can help you and dedicate as much time and effort that you are willing to invest, now you have two people each putting in 5 hrs. per week. Your 5 hrs has now been duplicated to 10 hrs. that your business can make money on. It gets better!! When you start duplicating yourself and opening up other business outlets, you can drastically increase the hours that your business can make money on. So if you open up 6 other outlets who each put 5 hrs. per week into their business, your coach/mentor’s 5 hrs, and your 5 hrs. you get a grand total of 40 hrs. per week that your business is growing but you have only put in 5 hrs.! That is like showing up on Monday and working half a day and then going home for the rest of the week and still get paid for your 40 hrs.
The second benefit is EXPONENTIAL INCOME! With a duplicatable business like I explained above, you have the opportunity to make money exponentially. You may ask “how is that?” Well let’s look at how an employee gets paid- either hourly or salary. In my example, let’s just say that you make $30 per hr. If you work 8 hr. days that would equal $240 per day. If you were to take a duplicatable business like McDonald’s, let’s say that each McDonald’s store made only $1 per day but has 40,000 stores all over the world, McDonald’s would make $40,000 per day. Who would make more money? I want you to really understand this concept. The fact is, we all have 24 hrs. per day to make money no matter how much we make per hour it ends after 24 hrs. and then we have to start back at zero. This is known as the glass ceiling. An online marketing business (like a McDonald’s model) breaks through that glass ceiling and allows you to make as much money as you want!
In closing, having both time and money equals lifestyle. That is what most people are chasing but they are in the wrong vehicle. Building an online marketing business can put you in a sports vehicle to get you to your desired lifestyle.
If you would like to look into an opportunity to create lifestyle of time and/or money, click here for more information.
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To your Success!!
Ken Cloutier- Business coach