6 Ways to Develop Persistence for Your Success

6 Ways to Develop Persistence for Your Success

The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its job. – Napoleon Hill

Developing and maintaining persistence is a critical skill to success. It is easier to relax and do nothing, or just live in our comfort zone, rather than face the uncertainty and discomfort of pursuing and working tirelessly towards our goals. For many people, particularly entrepreneurs, the idea of failure and struggle is a tough pill to swallow!

However, if you want to create change in your life and achieve success, it is essential to develop and master persistence. Here are 6 ways to help you develop persistence:

  1.  Identify Your Needs, Wants and Desires

If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.  – Lawrence J. Peter

Before you can develop persistence and eventually achieve success, you need to first identify your needs, wants or desires (Goals). You can do this by simply writing down the specific things that you want to have or accomplish. List all of your needs, wants, and desires regardless of how hard or impossible they seem to achieve at the present moment. These goals will act as a compass to help direct you and your actions to where you want to be. Writing down your needs, wants, and desires will also allow you to look back and reflect on what you really want. This will provide the motivation and encouragement needed, at times, when you have failure and setbacks; because it will happen. 

  1.   Figure Out What Your Motivation Is

Motivation comes from within, and it is the deep reason or cause of why we want to achieve or have something. If you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, it gives you more energy and conviction to keep pushing forward towards the attainment of your goals (needs, wants, and desires).

For an instance, if you want to build a successful and profitable Home Business, it takes time, energy, sacrifice, and patience. If you don’t have enough motivation, a reason why you need to build a business, you most likely will never take the actions necessary to build the business. However, if you’re motivated by the thought of having time and money freedom, as well as influencing and teaching millions of entrepreneurs, only then will you keep pushing yourself to work on building your business.

  1.  Outline Your Action Steps (Game plan)

Identifying your needs, wants, and desires paints the picture of what you want to achieve. Determining what your motivation is shows the reasons why you want to achieve your needs, wants, an desires. Once you know your “what” and “why”, outlining your action steps is necessary to know how you will be able to achieve your goals.

When you know how to get what you want, it makes it easier to achieve, and makes it more realistic in your mind. Knowing the “how” is only part of the equation, however. You will then need to pinpoint and plan what action steps need to be done on your part to reach your goals. It is important to be very specific on each action step that you need to take. For example, “Share your business opportunity to 5 prospects per week.” This would be a very specific action step that you can do in order to grow your business. How many action steps can you think of to help quicken the growth of your business? Select them, and then get to work on them!

  1.  Keep a Positive Mental Attitude

The road to success is not easy. In fact, it is down right challenging! This is why so few people succeed; they give up too early because they don’t believe that they can succeed. Many times it is because of the lack of a Positive Mental Attitude. There will be many times that you will stare into the eyes of defeat and failure. If you do not have a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), you will succumb to negative thoughts, fear, and doubts of not only yourself, but of others as well. I talk about the importance of having a Positive Mental Attitude in several other posts throughout my blog.

In order to develop persistence and eventually succeed in your endeavor, it is critical to always maintain a positive mental attitude regardless of your situation. Keep your thoughts maintained on taking consistent action towards your goals. Avoid negative thoughts and feelings at all cost, because it will ruin your focus and persistence needed to achieve your goals

  1.  Build A Mastermind Group

A Mastermind Group consists of people who can help you succeed and achieve your goal. Many times they are people that share similar goals and dreams or they can even be your mentors. Be sure to choose this group of people carefully. If possible, include only those who can give you unbiased judgments and who also has a Positive Mental Attitude. You can’t afford to waste your time and energy listening to cynical advice and pessimistic people. These types of people will not help you succeed. Instead, they will drain your energy and confidence which will eventually lead to your failure.

  1.  Develop Discipline and Good Habits

All of your goal-setting and planning will go to waste if you don’t develop discipline and good habits.

There will be plenty of road blocks and challenges that will come your way to distract you from moving toward and achieving your goals. Without the proper discipline and habits in place to keep you focused, it will be easy for you to simply give up, or get so far off track that it will be hard for you to get back on the road to your success. Maintaining discipline and good habits can help you stay the course, even when difficulties arise!

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. – Jim Rohn

Persistence is a key success principle you must partake in to achieve your goals and dreams. Commit to use and learn these 6 ways to help you develop persistence and you will become unstoppable! I believe in you :) 

What other ways can you add to this list that will help to develop persistence?

To Your Success!

Ken Cloutier



success principles 101

Success Principles 101

In May of 2014 I had the honor of being invited to be a co-host and participate in a “tweet chat” about Success Principles with Lynette Gilchrist of Young Dream DiggersIn this tweet chat, Lynette asks me some great questions on what Success Principles are and what it is that successful people do differently. 

I wanted to share this chat with you so that you can learn what the Success Principles are. Once you understand what the principles are, you can then apply them to all aspects of your life, whether you are an entrepreneur or looking to advance your career. You can take the principles learned and improve every aspect of your life!

We also went on to discuss how successful people think differently than the majority of people. There are certain qualities and thought processes that successful people have learned. The great thing about success is that nobody is born successful, but that success is learned through using the principles discussed in the chat and then taking action! Isn’t that great news? No matter what you upbringing was or where you are now in your life, you can learn the principles and methods of successful people; You can become successful if you choose to!

I appreciated the opportunity that Lynette provided me to expose people to the Success Principles through the tweet chat and the value that she sees in teaching the younger generation the importance of understanding these principles and how they can apply them in their lives. 

To see the tweet chat, click on the link below for the transcript of the chat that we did. As always, please comment and leave me some feedback to let me know how these principles have helped you or which principles that you will implement into your life moving forward.

Enjoy the chat!

Here is the link >>> http://bit.ly/1B9MyMY <<<

To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier

Stand out from the crowd

5 secrets to stand out and rise above the crowd!

If you are a young professional in Corporate America, or you are an aspiring Entrepreneur who is looking to make connections and build or join a business team, standing out form the crowd is important. What sets you apart from everyone else and how can you show it? Why would someone want you to join their company or business? Obviously there are a lot of factors that play into if a job or business is the right fit, such as personality, overall business/career goals, and mission of the company or business. Since I have had the privilege of mentoring many young, ambitious individuals on our business team for several years, I have outlined some qualities or traits that I look for in someone that will help you to raise your head above the crowd.

1. Take initiative: Ask questions, seek answers and mentorship. As much of a tech savy world we live in, you must be willing to go out and find the information. My mother always says that you don’t need to know everything, you just need to know where to find it! Be resourseful and you will stand out.

2. Have a PMA: A Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is looking at things with a glass-half-full mentality. Let’s face it, things don’t always go our way, but it is how we respond that really determines whether or not we have a positive or negative attitude. I had a day not long ago that could have really sent me over the edge of negativity. In the morning I got a flat tire on the highway during rush hour traffic. After pulling over and taking out my spare tire, I realized that I did not have a jack in my trunk! 1 hour later the Road Ranger came and changed my tire. Later on that same day, I got ticketed for not wearing a seat belt as I pulled out of a parking lot. I had reached down to get something and was going to put it back on but it was too late! Ticket! That day I refused to let myself have a pity party; it was still going to be a great day and I made it so! It was all about my attitude. Do you have a PMA even when things don’t go well?

3. Have Goals: Know where you want to go and what you are willing to do to get there. Have you ever spoken to someone who had no goals? What a dull and boring conversation it is! Nobody wants to work with or hire a person who does not have any idea of what they want or where they want to go in life. Goals give you life! Goals give you the reason to get up and get out in the morning. You have to be willing to pay the price to achieve your goals. Success in anything does not come easy nor over night. Be willing to fight for your goals and dreams and do what it takes to achieve them- legally of course!

4. Be open to taking risks and keep an open mind: Don’t be so critical about everything that you miss opportunities and chances to excel. I have seen many individuals that I have shared my business with be so analytical and overly critical that they don’t even see the opportunity for what it is…an opportunity! No one will want to work with you if all you do is find the negative in everything and are not willing to take a risk or have an open mind. After all, part of success is taking a chance or risk in the first place. If you are not willing to change, then you will not be able to grow professionally or in business in order to achieve your goals.

5. Be a Go-Getter: Have a can-do attitude about everything, even if you don’t now how to do something or don’t have the experience. A prospective employer or business partner will want to know that you are willing to learn and/or overcome obstacles along the way. Don’t give excuses on why you can’t do something, figure it out, and if you can’t, ask for help. This is part of having a PMA.

These are some of the major qualities that will help you to stand out from the rest of your peers. As always, there are exceptions, but if you adopt these traits and thought processes, you will attract great people that will help you advance in your business or career.

I invite you to join our winning team and learn how you can make money!! Click here to request more information and let us know how you stand out from the crowd!

To your Success!

Ken Cloutier




3 Simple Life Lessons to Success

I would like to share 3 basic principles with you that can help to improve your life and success journey. I have found that while there is no sure fire, secret formula for success, there are some basic thought processes and attitudes that will greatly increase your chances of succeeding.

So let’s get started-

1. Build it, don’t knock it! – Next time you are at work or just out and about, you will hear most people speaking negative and always criticizing or putting things or people down. In fact, most people have a hard time thinking or saying something positive as opposed to complain about it. Rather than speaking like everyone else, adopt the sense that you will be positive and speak positively about others and situations. I understand that things can go wrong or that people can be unkind, but don’t let it affect YOUR attitude of positivity. It is called having a Positive Mental Attitude!

2. Stick to it– Talk to anyone who has succeeded at a high level in anything and they will tell you that they just didn’t quit! It is imperative that you have a stick-to-it attitude when you are pursuing excellence. In addition to having a persistent attitude, you have to adopt a strong work ethic. Lazy people do not succeed or achieve a high level. Get off the couch and get to work!

3. Fail– Yes I said it..lol. Go out and fail and fail often. Failure is a means to the end when it comes to being better than average. Failure just to fail is not good unless you can learn something from it, but it is necessary to achieve. Most people think that if you fail it is like a grade you received in high school when you forgot to study or were not expecting that pop quiz. You either passed or failed. This system of points has brain washed most people and have blinded them to the fact that all successful people have failed. In fact the most successful people have only failed more than others! So get out there and fail- learn, but fail. Remember this: Failure is not the outcome, failure is not trying!


To Your Success!

Ken Cloutier