Stop Trying To Please Everyone

Stop Trying To Please Everyone

Are you suffering from the “trying to please everyone syndrome?” Do you want try to do everything in your power to not disappoint people? I find that a lot of people suffer from this issue.

If you are an entrepreneur, you most likely have fallen victim to this thought process. You see, we as entrepreneurs are automatically misunderstood and placed in a totally different category than the rest of society. We are classed as weird, dreamers, unrealistic, and kook-aid drinking, brainwashed people who are odd. Doesn’t sound like a good group to be in does it?

What you have to understand is that there are some people who intentionally want to misunderstand you. They want to be at odds with you and will never try to see things from your perspective. My advice to you is- Stop trying to please them! In fact, you should not even waste your brain space on them. I know this can be difficult if it is a close friend, family member, or someone else who you value their advice and opinion. What you have to do, however, is ignore the people who are not helping you to achieve your goals and stick around the people who are encouraging you. In the video below I go into much more detail on why you should stop trying to please everyone. Hope this helps you :)

Stop Trying To Please EveryoneMy message to you: Stop Trying To Please Everyone!

Posted by Get Motivated For Success on Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Did that help you? Do you see why you should not try to please everyone? If this helped, please share this post/video and shoot me a comment!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Do you need more prospects to talk to about your opportunity? Grab you FREE report: 19 Lead Sources For Your Business NOW! 

4 Steps To A Better You

4 Steps To A Better You

Do you want to become a better leader? Are you looking to build your business to new heights? In order to do that, it requires that you make some changes! After all, if you want things to change in your business, it requires that you make some changes too, you can’t remain the same and expect anything to change. These changes are not earth shattering, and they are not impossible. In fact, the changes that you have to make can be done by anyone.

In this video post, I share with you 4 Steps To A Better You. In reality, each of these steps could be an hour long video, but I wanted to give you the basic concepts of the 4 steps to allow you to determine which one(s) that you may need to focus on. Everybody has different strengths and weaknesses, so while watching and listening to this video, there may be some things that you have nailed and other things that you need to work on.

Don’t feel bad if there are things that you need to improve on because we are ALL a work in progress. I try to improve and learn more everyday regardless of how big my business gets. You are either growing or dying, and it is my hope that this video gives you some internal perspective to help you develop into a better leader, business person, husband, wife, mother, or father. Enjoy the video :)

What other steps do you feel are crucial to your leadership and business development? Share a comment and let me know! 

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Do you want to know the secret to sponsoring more reps into your business? My friend Diane Hochman reveals the secret to becoming a sponsoring machine in whatever business that you are building! Simply fill in your information below and get the secret revealed to you!

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Inspire People With Your Actions

If you want a long lasting and successful business, there is an important element that you must do for your business team. You must inspire people with your actions and do what you want your team to do! If you want your business team to sponsor more reps, then you sponsor more reps. If you want your business team to sell more products or make more money, then you sell more products and make more money! Do whatever it is that you are recommending or telling your team to do. Lead from the front!

You see, inspiring people is much different than simply motivating them. Motivation lasts for a few hours, days, or weeks. You go to your company’s live event or a leader comes into your town and does a great training or dream building session and you are motivated. That motivation, however, is short lived. After a few days, the motivation dwindles like an hour glass, slowly seeping away. Inspiration on the other hand, can be life lasting. Inspiring people is empowering and getting them to understand that they are capable of the success that they want. Inspiring people is helping them to see that if that couple can do it, then they can too!

Watch this video where I explain why it is important for you to inspire your team and others with your actions and not simply talking about it. Walt the talk and Inspire! (at minute 3:30 it gets pretty crazy!)

Do you see how important it is to lead from the front and do the very actions that you are asking members of your team to do? When you lead from the front with your actions, it will amaze you how many members of your business team take the same action that you are taking. You will begin to duplicate yourself! That is what you want in Network Marketing, right?

So if you remember nothing else from this video, remember this: Inspire People With Your Actions!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature






Phone: (954) 854-3717

P.S.- If you would like to learn some other secrets of how the big earners in Network Marketing are doing it, fill in your information below and watch the video!

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