When I went to college I hated to read. In fact, I always challenged myself to read as little as possible and still get good grades; thankfully it worked! When my wife and I got into our Network Marketing business, our mentor suggested that we get on a recommended reading program. My initial response was that I didn’t like to read, to which he responded, “You need to change your thought process in order to be successful.” Well, since I wanted to be successful and live how I saw my mentors living, I humbled myself and began the reading program. I have listed 10 books that have greatly impacted my life and feel that every entrepreneur should read. In fact, these books will benefit anyone who wants to be more, do more, and make a positive impact beyond just making money. Don’t get me wrong, if you follow the principles in each of these books, the money will come! All of the books will help anyone including the new graduate, seasoned CEO, and everyone else in between.
1. The Magic of Thinking Big, David J Schwartz, PhD
In this book, Dr. Schwartz advises us to set our goals high and have a positive thought pattern in order to achieve them. His book is basically a step-by-step guide on how to achieve what you want by changing your thought patterns and thought habits. I learned in one chapter why people fail and why people succeed!
2. Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
What can I say? This is a classic! A compilation of Napoleon’s diligent research on some of the most successful individuals in the 1930’s who achieved great financial wealth. He breaks down common characteristics and thought processes that all of the individuals had.
3. Bringing Out the Best in People, Alan Loy McGinnis
In his book, Alan breaks down 12 rules that a leader should follow to motivate team members around him. In addition, it also teaches the reader how to lead and bring out the best in others, hence the title!
4. The Master Key to Riches, Napoleon Hill
Another classic! Napoleon provides a blueprint of a success formula for anyone desiring great success and wealth.
5. How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie
This book is full of golden nuggets. Among them, the reader will learn how to: make friends easily, increase their earning power, make them a better salesman, avoid conflicts and arguments, get them out of mental ruts, and much, much more!
6. How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling, Frank Bettger
Frank breaks down his personal success methods and principles that helped him become a leading salesman. Ironically, this book is not all about selling. You will have to read it to find out!
7. The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson
I really enjoyed this book. Jeff explains to the reader how the difference between winning and losing, success and no success is a very slight edge. His simple explanation, that it is just as easy to do the things that you should do in order to succeed as it is not to, really impacted me. I think it will impact you as well.
8. The Greatest Miracle in the World, Og Mandino
Written in story form about a publisher who befriends a wise old man and, as a result of their mysterious relationship, receives from him his laws for finding happiness and success.
9. Go For No!, Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz
A fictional story where a salesman learns how to break through the single most common barrier to all success! A very simple and entertaining read that will have you excited to hear NO!
10. Hung By the Tongue, Francis P. Martin
This small book packs a lot of punch. What I learned in this book is how powerful my words and thoughts are. That what I say is exactly what I get! This book literally helped me change the way that I speak.
In my opinion, these are must read books for anyone who wants to impact others, be successful both financally and in life, become a leader, or just improve themselves overall. Please comment on how these books have impacted you if you have read them or when you finish.
To your success!
Ken Cloutier