
The biggest investment ever- yourself
Go to school, get good grades and then get a good job. That is what you have most likely heard all of your life. But is that the only way to invest in yourself-through school?
The answer is no. People invest in lots of different material things such as cars, homes, electronics, etc. However the average person does not invest in the most important thing; themselves.
There are several ways to invest in yourself: You can invest in time, books, audios, conferences, and other materials. Take for instance time and books. Does it really take a lot of time to turn off the television for a half hour and read a good book that will help you to communicate better with people enabling you to grow in your career or business? Of course not. It is just a decision.
By simply reading for a half an hour per day, you will automatically put your self in the 20% versus the 80%. Most people don’t even read a book after they finish school let alone one that can help them.
Attend a conference on subjects that interest you or that you would like to improve on. Learn from proven leaders in your field and find out what you can do to duplicate their success.
If you want to get ahead in life, it will take effort and an investment in yourself. Make the decision to begin an investment portfolio on yourself. It will payoff more than you can imagine.
Here’s to your success!
Ken Cloutier