
Feed Your Dream, Not Your Fears

The choice is yours; you can either feed your dream and take action or feed your fears and remain where you are. I see many people who want more out of life, whether it be to start a business, go back to school, or pursue a hobby that they have always wanted to do.
Fear is one of the main hindrances for people in our society today. They don’t know how to cope, and therefore overcome their fears. Some people have a fear of speaking to other people, some have a fear of the unknown; not willing to take a risk, and, as crazy as it sounds, some people have fear of success! 

There are many ways to cope with fear that I have written about in other posts on my blog. For this particular entry, I am focusing on your dreams and desires rather than the fear that is preventing you from achieving your dreams. When you focus on your goals and dreams, you are able to flood positive thoughts to you mind. When you mind is focused on the positive, good results will follow. You will begin to take action towards your goals and dreams which is where everything starts. Ways to focus on your dream can include associating with others who have similar goals and dreams, taking pictures or hanging pictures of your goals, actually seeing your goals; test drive a car, take a tour of a multimillion dollar home, etc. The key here is to be so consumed with your goals and dreams that it becomes emotional and you can already see yourself as having what you desire. It really is as simple as that, you either acknowledge your fears or acknowledge your dreams. I pray that you choose the latter!

If you are looking for a vehicle that can help you to achieve your dreams, or just create some extra cash to help you on your way, watch this video of my wife and I and you can see how we have been able to pursue our dreams!

We will see you on the other side!

To Your Success!

Ken Cloutier



There is no “Right Personality” in Network Marketing

Have you thought about or looked at a Network Marketing business before but did not pursue it because you didn’t feel like you have the “right personality?” There is a glaring misconception in the market place that you have to be a sales person in order to achieve success in Network Marketing. This could not be further from the truth! Let me explain.

The first thing that we need to establish is that to be successful and make money in Network Marketing, you DO NOT nor SHOULD YOU sell the opportunity to anybody. You simply share the concept and the right people will see it for what it is worth and want to partner with you in business. This simple thought process automatically refutes the idea that you have to have a specific personality to build a Network Marketing business.                                                            

The other thought process that you have to consider is that Network Marketing is a people business, not a product business. People move products, products don’t move people. Therefore, use your personality as a strength and not a weakness. Understand that there are some people that only you will connect and relate with that I would not. We can have two totally different personalities, but some people will relate to some more than others. While you will need to work on yourself and become a better person, (we all do) let your personality shine through and you will attract the right people to you.

Here is the single thing that you need to know if you are going to be successful in Network Marketing. That thing is: BUSINESS MINDSET. You must have the right business mindset or be willing to develop one in order to succeed. I have already written a whole blog post on business mindset that you can read to get details. This is key, and the main reason why some people make money in Network Marketing and others don’t.

What you need to decide when determining if Network Marketing is for you, is whether or not you ware willing to change your mind set and thought process rather than worry if you have the “right personality” for Network Marketing business. I hope that this has helped to answer any misconceptions that you had or have heard before.

To look at a Network Marketing business opportunity and partner with us, click here and fill out the short list of questions to help us better understand how we can help YOU and get more details.

To Your Success!
Ken Cloutier




Success Principles…What are they anyway?

What makes some people successful while others seem to struggle to make ends meet? How is it that money seems to be attracted to some while other people seem like they have holes in their pockets? Many people think that successful people “get lucky”, that they were in the right place at the right time. That could not be further from the truth. The fact is, these “successful” people are utilizing success principles whether they consciously know it or not. 


So how do you learn about these success principles and what are they anyway? Before I started my network marketing business, I did not know anything about success or business. I was taught to go to school, get good grades, and get a good job. I was essentially was taught to have someone else tell me what I was worth. 


When I got started in business, I began to learn principles that were foreign to me and had never heard of from some very successful business mentors. In fact, some of the success principles that I learned were in exact opposition to what I had ever known. For example, delayed gratification. My attitude was if I want it, go get it! It was a way of thinking that I worked hard and deserved it. What I learned about delayed gratification is that I can still travel or buy what I wanted, but I just needed to wait for the right time so that I could get the very best and not settle for mediocrity. This is an example of wealth mentality. Wealth is simply a state of mind! Once you learn the key principles of success, all you have to do is implement them in whatever business or career that you are in. Success principles don’t change regardless of your business or profession. All that matters is that you use them in your life. They are laws, just like the law of gravity. You don’t have to believe in gravity or that it exists, but go ahead and jump off of the roof of your house and you will quickly realize that gravity does work and exist! 


To learn what these success principles are, and how they can work in your life, CLICK HERE to register and get instant access to my free 10 Step Blueprint video series.

To Your Success!

Ken Cloutier



Are You Really Ready For Retirement?

Are you really ready for retirement? Unless you are a “Baby Boomer,” you probably have not given a whole lot of thought about your retirement. Most of us are just thinking about how we will pay our bills every month, let alone when and how much money we will have to retire.

Have you ever thought about how long that you will have to work in order to have enough money in your account to be able to walk away from Corporate America and actually live your life? The statistics can be quite daunting! I took a few minutes and did a quick calculation on ( to see what someone my age would have to save. I just turned 36 years old and calculated that I would work until I am 65 along with my wife. To make the numbers easier, I had both my wife and myself making $60,000/yr. and did not add any 401k, etc. The result: We would need to save $2,745/month for 30 years!


Now I realize some of you make more or less per year, but what I want you to think about is, are you truly saving between 2-3k/month in your household? Keep in mind, this is to just maintain your current standard of living and nothing more.

I don’t know about you, but I surely do not want my wife and I to have to work until we are 65 years old. We both want to enjoy life to it’s fullest and not wait until we are too old to enjoy some of the things we want to do now. So do you have a game plan for your financial future? Does it make you cringe to think about how long you will have to work for someone else, give your very best, show up every day, and then barely be able to survive? Thankfully, my wife and I were presented with a business opportunity that would allow us to make some additional income every month in our spare time outside of our current commitments! We were shown a very simple marketing plan that would allow us to do what we already did and get paid to do it! On top of that, we also gained access to some very successful business men and women who were willing and able to mentor us. When we make money, they make money- a “win-win” situation!


Since we have taken advantage of the opportunity that was presented to us, retirement is literally right around the corner for us! We have also helped many other singles and couples get ahead of their retirement curve through our opportunity.


So what about you? Are you looking to get ahead financially? Do you have loved ones that are going to be counting on you in the future? Do you want to have the security knowing that you will be financial stable? Do you want to travel more? Pursue hobbies, etc.?


If you want some of these things and others, I can help you! In order for any opportunity to work, you must be willing to learn and be teachable, willing to delay some things so that you can have them in the future. This is not a sales pitch or an attempt to “convince” you to do anything. It is simply an offer to work with and help ambitious people who just want an opportunity to succeed. 

I can provide you with some information on how we can work together and you can begin your path to financial success.

Click here to get complete details. 

To your success!

Ken Cloutier

Increase Your Dreams; Increase Your Financial Future!

All of us have had dreams from early childhood up until now. As we got older the dreams may have changed, but we all have dreams that we would like to accomplish. The sad reality is that most people will shape their dreams around their income rather than using their dreams to increase their income.


What am I getting at? Let me explain. Let’s say someone makes $80k/yr. at their corporate job. Most likely they have tied their “dreams” or goals into what $80k/yr can buy them; car, home, travel, etc. They can not imagine driving a Ferrari or living in a multi-million dollar home because to them it is not “realistic.” They have no way of achieving those goals so the settle for what they can afford.


I am challenging you to develop a dream so big it intimidates you. When you have a big dream that is bigger than your current circumstances, it forces you to take action and make the kind of money to afford what you want. You will strive to make enough money to be able to afford that multi-million dollar home or retire your wife/husband from their job; even yourself! You were created to do more and be more, not just settle for what life or your boss says your value is. You can begin to shape your financial future by just increasing your dreams alone! When your subconscious mind is set on achieving a goal, it will begin to create and think of opportunities to help you achieve that goal. That is why one of my definitions of success is: When opportunity and preparedness meet. Your mind will have you prepared to see an opportunity and take advantage of it. 


So begin to increase your dreams to increase your finances. Stop settling for what you currently have based on your circumstances. Rise up and be all you can be!


Click here to join a winning team and increase your cashflow for a brighter financial future!


Ken Cloutier

The Entrepreneur’s Creed

“My Creed” by Dean Alfange-

“I do not choose to be a common man or woman. It is my right to be uncommon- if I can. I seek opportunity- not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk- to dream and build- to fail and succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence- the thrill of fulfillment to the calm state of Utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence- nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master- nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid- to think and act for myself- enjoy the benefits of my creations and to face the world boldly, and say– This I have done.”

I love this self-talk! I hope that you feel this way too. Choose not to be common or average. Instead, go against the grain. Observe the masses and do the opposite. Live life on the edge and enjoy every moment. 

If you relate to The Entrepreneur’s Creed, I would like to partner with you! Let’s be uncommon together!

Click here and let’s get this journey started!

To Your Success!

Ken Cloutier


Ditch Digger or Multi-Millionaire…What’s the Difference?

“The difference between a ditch digger and a multi-millionaire is the way that they think.” That is what several of my mentors have taught me since I was 23 years old! They always say that success is an attitude, not a destination.

So what is your thought process? Do you have a thought process for your success? Changing your thought process for success is not easy but it is possible with the right effort and dedication. Most of our thought process has been directed to think mediocre and average. We get our thought processes from family, school, co-workers, bosses, and friends. If you are looking to step out of mediocrity and into success, it will take changing your thought process to make that happen.

How do you change your thought process? For starters, it helps to associate with other successful individuals so that you can learn what they know and understand what they think so you too can adapt their thought process. Another way to change your success thinking is to invest in yourself through books and audios where you can learn from multi-millionaires while you are driving your car to work, etc.

When you start thinking differently and your thinking is geared toward success, you will take action toward your goals and not waste time. For example, if you know that you need to make some calls or meet people to expand your business prospecting, you will want to take those actions instead of wasting time doing things that don’t matter and procrastinate. It is simply a matter of discipline; doing what you know you should do even if you don’t feel like doing it.

Are you ready to climb out of the ditch or rut of your day to day corporate life? Do you want to learn how you can actually make money from home and be able to pay your bills, travel, and have plenty of money and peace of mind? If this sounds like you, then click here to find out how you can begin to take charge of your life NOW!

To your great thought process!

Ken Cloutier





How To Maintain Your Focus


Being successful at anything requires many attributes. Persistence, a positive attitude, people skills, and other various traits. Focus is one of the traits that will determine if your journey to success will end early or enable you to see it through. Many people lack focus. How many times have you or someone you know thought of a good idea and maybe even came up with strategies or steps to accomplish a goal and then a few weeks into the plan you stop? It sounded great when you were coming up with the plan, but lack of focus on what you were trying to accomplish caused you to stop doing what was ultimately going to help you accomplish your goals. 

Having focus allows you to continue on toward your goals despite all of the white noise and distractions that life has to offer. It will enable you to continue to do the daily habits and make the little daily decisions to help you get to where you want to be. Focus crushes fear, it undermines distraction and blasts through obstacles. Focus is a major key to success.

So how do you stay focused at the task at hand or your overall career or life goal? Well, there are several ways to help you stay focused. One way that I have found very useful in maintaining my focus has been to use goal cards. I had previously written a post about goal cards that you can read about for more details. Goal cards help you maintain focus by keeping your goals and actions in front of you on a daily basis. You can simply read the goal cards over and over as many times per day as you want. This keeps your mind on what you are trying to accomplish. A very simple yet effective technique!

 Another way to help you stay focused is to have a clear vision of why you are looking to achieve your goals. Put an emotional tie to those goals. Your why should be so strong that it hurts every day that you have not accomplished your goals. Knowing your why and having a clear vision of why you want to accomplish those goals will keep you taking action even when you do not feel like doing anything and would rather sit back, watch a movie and eat popcorn. Instead, you will hear the little voice in your head saying, “take action, go do what you know that you should do.”

Create a mastermind or goal group. Partner with other individuals who have similar goals or are looking to accomplish something similar to what you are striving to accomplish. The power here is that you will now be accountable to someone else other than yourself. If you goal buddy hits their goal and you don’t, then you have not been accountable to that person. Even if you don’t want to do it for yourself, you surely don’t want to let someone else down do you? This is powerful- try it.

Break your big goals into little ones. I’m sure you have heard the saying, “how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” The same is true with you big goals. Break them down into simple, easy to accomplish goals. Maybe your goal is to sell $300k in a fiscal year at your job. Instead of just having $300k on your goal card/board, break down what you would need to sell or do on a daily basis that will lead to the accomplishment of your overall goal. Keep it simple!

Finally, another way to help you maintain focus is to keep your goals to 1-3 at a time. Don’t spread yourself too thin or you will be all over the place trying to accomplish too many goals at one time. If you are chasing too many goals, most times you will be so overwhelmed that you won’t take any action at all. It is best to identify 1-3 goals that you can accomplish and then move on to the next one(s). 

In my 10 Day Blueprint, I have also identified other tips and principles that will help you to accomplish your goals and lead you to your journey to success.

Stay focused and achieve your dreams!

Ken Cloutier




Action Is The Key!

Every goal, every dream, and every success that we achieve comes about by action. Most people want success and have a plan on how to achieve that success.They think about everything that they have to do and write down an action plan but fail to do the one thing that will help them get where they want to and that is take action.

The fact is, the very action that brings about success or goal achievement is usually the action that moves people out of their comfort zone. The reason why most people don’t take action is that they do not want to get out of their comfort zone. It is easier to stay put than to put themselves in a position to fail and look bad. The people who are willing to step out of their comfort zone are generally the same people who go on to achieve great success.

So how do you take action if you are somebody who likes to think and ponder before moving forward? I like to describe this as paralysis by analysis. These individuals think about the positives and negatives of their decision but never take any action to make their goals happen. If you fall into this category, here is a way that you can begin to take action but make your thoughts more productive: Have your thoughts always lean toward taking action. In other words, your thoughts should be on how can I achieve these goals rather than all of the obstacles that are in the way of achieving the goals. Take the “how can I?” approach and not the “I can’t!” attitude. 

For those of you that fall into the take action category but don’t really think too far ahead (that is me), make sure that you are not just busy trying to achieve your goals, etc, but that you are productive. We all have 24 hours in a day. Why is it that some people become so successful while others barely get by? It is not just that they are busy taking action to become successful, but they are productive. They are getting results. If your schedule is filled with all sorts of appointments but you are no further along today than you were a month ago, chances are you have just been busy and not productive. Keep this in mind as you are taking action, is your action taking you closer to accomplishing your goals or moving you further away. That is how you can tell if you are just being busy or being productive.

I hope that you are taking action and are willing to move out of your comfort zone. There is so much more outside of your comfort zone than what lies in it, and your success is so much closer to you than you think. Action is the key to making that happen. If you would like some more tips on how you can take action and what kind of actions that you can take to move closer to the success you want, then click here and I will see you on the other side.

To your successful actions!

Ken Cloutier



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