6 Stages of Winning

6 Stages of Winning

Winning in anything is not something that just happens, you must plan, work and focus on it. If you talk to any winning athlete, movie star, or business man, they will all have similar qualities and stages that they went through in order to achieve their respective successes. Let’s examine the 6 Stages of Winning that you must go through in order to achieve the success that you want in life.

1. Plan

If you don’t know where you want to go, you will never get there. It does nothing for you to show up to work everyday or go through a regular routine if you don’t know why you are doing it or what you ultimately want all of your hard work to accomplish. The fundamental building block that all successful people have is that they know what they want. Don’t be a rudderless ship being tossed and turned in the sea of life. Set your course and work towards arriving there!

2. Set Goals

When you know where you want to go or what you seek to accomplish, it is absolutely necessary to set goals. Goals are your mile markers towards your ultimate destination. If you wanted to get to California and you were driving from Florida, would you just get in your car and start driving? Of course not! You would map out your driving route and identify some goal markers along the way so that you know that you are on the right route to California. Yet, so many of us have a plan, but we never take the time to set proper goals along the way to help us get to where we want to be. There are basically three types of goals; short, medium, and long term goals. I have explained the specifics of each type of goal in a previous post: How to Effectively Set and Achieve Your Personal Goals that you can learn from and set your personal goals accordingly on your way to winning. 

3. Work

I can hear the moans now! W-O-R-K, do I really have to work? Yes you do! To get anywhere in life that is worthwhile and continue winning, it will take effort and lots of hard work. When I am helping someone in my business, I let them know that it will take work in order for them to accomplish their goals and dreams, and I don’t apologize for that. To be better than average, it will require effort. Today, many people want something for nothing without having to put in any work. We have become a lottery ticket society where we want to spend a dollar and make a million. That simply will not happen. You must be willing to put in work when nobody is looking, when your name isn’t being called or recognized. It is the work behind the scenes that will help you reach your ultimate plan or goal in life. When you watch professional athletes make awesome plays, they have already made those same plays during practice! They worked hard so that during the game it is second nature for them to make the plays that we are amazed at when we are watching them on T.V. Although we all would love something for nothing, we must work our plan and plan our work; it is a part of winning!

4. Sacrifice

Another principle of winning is that you will have to sacrifice some things that you want to do now so that you can do it on your own terms and better later. For example, you may want to go on a family vacation, or build that beautiful home in the country. The question that you must ask yourself is, “Is it the right time to do it now?” If you are truly committed to achieving the plan that you have for your life, sacrificing is part of the process. You may miss birthdays, family reunions, put off having children, etc, but it is for a short period of time. I am not saying that you should alienate family or not have kids, but you must decide what are you willing to give up or put off in order to achieve your dream? When you sacrifice things, you are telling your mind and body that I am committed to achieving what I want and will not let anything get in my way! What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your dreams?

5. Practice & Persistence

Winning teams first win on the practice field before they ever play in a game. Practicing is simply doing something over and over again and getting repetitions until you get it right. The famous coach Vince Lombardi, who coached the Green Bay Packers, is famous for continuously having his team run the Green Bay sweep over and over and over again until they perfected it. The players hated it, but when it was game time, they were able to run it flawlessly and won many games because of that single play. Do you practice your craft the way they did? Practice is not necessarily fun, and we don’t like to make mistakes, but that is how we will get better and become a winning individual! The other part of practice is being persistent and refusing to lose. We can not always control the results of our practice, but we can control whether or not we are persistent. Being persistent is simply not quitting, and getting up after we have stumbled and fallen. It is doing that thing you need to do (work) one more time even when you have continuously failed over and over. Keep persisting and you will master your craft. Too many people give up just about the time they were going to have a breakthrough. Don’t be that guy or lady! Keep at it with a good attitude and you will achieve the goals that you have set out to accomplish.

6. Focus

So far you have figured out what you want, set your goals to achieve it, decided that you are going to work at your goals, sacrifice things you want to do now so you can do them better later, practice your craft and not give up. The final stage to winning is to focus. With all of life’s distractions, it is very easy to veer of off the road and end up in a ditch. What will keep you on the road to winning is a focus on your dream. Focus is putting your thoughts, actions, attitude, and energy into that which you want to achieve. Another term for focus would be “in the zone.” Have you ever read a good book while sitting in a coffee shop where there were people laughing, talking loud and walking by? If you are enjoying the book, you have a focus and will not be distracted. You don’t even hear what others are talking about or notice the loud laughter coming from the group at the other table. You are completely tuned into the great book that you are reading. That is the type of focus that you must have if you want to win at your plan. 

Study and commit yourself to these 6 Stages of Winning. Being a winner is not easy and it will take some work and effort. If you truly want to win in life, I encourage you to engage yourself in these 6 steps and it will be well worth it. You owe it to yourself to become a winner!

If you enjoyed this post, please comment on steps that you have done to become a winner at your craft.

Our business team is always on the lookout for people who want to win in life. We offer a great opportunity to mentor and be mentored by top business people in the country. In addition, we have a great business model that can help you use these 6 Stages of Winning to make money and get your time back. If you are really serious about doing something that can benefit you and your family for years to come and create a legacy, click on the Join A Winning Team link and fill out the short form and let’s see if we can win together!

To Your Winning!

Ken Cloutier






6th grade sales

If a 6th Grader can do it, you can too!!

I normally don’t watch the news because it is so negative. But the other day I happened to flip to a morning news segment that was interviewing a 6th grader who broke the record for the amount of Girl Scout cookie boxes sold. She sold 21,000 boxes of cookies! The fact that she sold that many cookies is impressive, but what really caught my attention was HOW she did it. In a matter of 5 minutes, she gave everyone that had ears to hear and eyes to see how to be successful in anything and hit your goal- and she is only in 6th grade! 

Here is what she said that she did to set the record…

1. She set a goal and wrote it down- If you don’t know where you are going, you won’t know how to get there. Without goals there is no direction, and there is no focus. When you write your goals down, you can then focus all of the proper activities to hit them. Goal setting is like navigating a road map, you can see the route and stops along the way. The first key to any success is to have clear, succinct, written down goals.

2. She worked hard- This young girl said that she would sell for 10, 11, or sometimes even 12 hours a day on the weekends and for 7 hours a day after she got out of school. You see, we all have 24 hours in a day and she used most of them and used them wisely. This is something that all of us can take note of and be better with our time like she did. Talk about dedication, while most kids her age were playing outside or in front of video games, this young lady was out chasing her goal. It does take sacrifices to hit your goals, this includes time, hard work, and effort. You must decide if you are willing to do what it takes to hit your goals and then make it happen!

3. She spoke to everyone that she saw- This was my favorite part of the whole story. Whenever she came in contact with someone, she asked them for the sale without hesitation. She didn’t sit back and worry about what they would say or whether or not they would buy. She just knew that if she asked everyone, then someone would buy. The way she put it was that she just did not take “No” personally. I love this!! How many of us have been held back from succeeding or hitting our goals because we were worried about what others would say and took “No” as personal attack on us?

This young girl’s story should serve as an example that we are unstoppable when we have our goals clearly defined and written down, are willing to work hard and sacrifice short term, and learn to not take a “No” personally. These are fundamental success principles that this 6th grader used to accomplish her goals. If a 6th grader can do it, you can too!!

If you would like more information on how to overcome the fear of rejection, I wrote a post that should help you out! Also, if you would like to learn more about principles of success, access my 10 Day Blueprint video series now– It’s FREE!

See you on the other side…

To your Goals!

Ken Cloutier




Are You Really Ready For Retirement?

Are you really ready for retirement? Unless you are a “Baby Boomer,” you probably have not given a whole lot of thought about your retirement. Most of us are just thinking about how we will pay our bills every month, let alone when and how much money we will have to retire.

Have you ever thought about how long that you will have to work in order to have enough money in your account to be able to walk away from Corporate America and actually live your life? The statistics can be quite daunting! I took a few minutes and did a quick calculation on Kiplinger.com (http://www.kiplinger.com) to see what someone my age would have to save. I just turned 36 years old and calculated that I would work until I am 65 along with my wife. To make the numbers easier, I had both my wife and myself making $60,000/yr. and did not add any 401k, etc. The result: We would need to save $2,745/month for 30 years!


Now I realize some of you make more or less per year, but what I want you to think about is, are you truly saving between 2-3k/month in your household? Keep in mind, this is to just maintain your current standard of living and nothing more.

I don’t know about you, but I surely do not want my wife and I to have to work until we are 65 years old. We both want to enjoy life to it’s fullest and not wait until we are too old to enjoy some of the things we want to do now. So do you have a game plan for your financial future? Does it make you cringe to think about how long you will have to work for someone else, give your very best, show up every day, and then barely be able to survive? Thankfully, my wife and I were presented with a business opportunity that would allow us to make some additional income every month in our spare time outside of our current commitments! We were shown a very simple marketing plan that would allow us to do what we already did and get paid to do it! On top of that, we also gained access to some very successful business men and women who were willing and able to mentor us. When we make money, they make money- a “win-win” situation!


Since we have taken advantage of the opportunity that was presented to us, retirement is literally right around the corner for us! We have also helped many other singles and couples get ahead of their retirement curve through our opportunity.


So what about you? Are you looking to get ahead financially? Do you have loved ones that are going to be counting on you in the future? Do you want to have the security knowing that you will be financial stable? Do you want to travel more? Pursue hobbies, etc.?


If you want some of these things and others, I can help you! In order for any opportunity to work, you must be willing to learn and be teachable, willing to delay some things so that you can have them in the future. This is not a sales pitch or an attempt to “convince” you to do anything. It is simply an offer to work with and help ambitious people who just want an opportunity to succeed. 

I can provide you with some information on how we can work together and you can begin your path to financial success.

Click here to get complete details. 

To your success!

Ken Cloutier