How to conquer your fear of talking to people about business

How to conquer your fear of talking to people about business

If you are building a Network Marketing business you will need to talk to people. For many business owners, you will also need to get over the fear of talking to people about your business in order to have it grow. Most likely, you got into Network Marketing because you were attracted to the money and time freedom that this incredible industry offers. Yet, when it comes to talking to people and sharing this awesome opportunity, a lot of business owners clam up and are afraid to talk to people.

How did you meet your best friend? Before you developed a friendship with them you didn’t know them at all. You had to talk to them at some point to determine that you had like interests, etc! So why are you fearful of making some new friends who need what you have and probably have like interests (time and money freedom)? There are tons of people out in the marketplace who want what you have to offer, and are probably praying for an opportunity to come their way! You are the solution to their needs, wants, and desires!

This is a subject that can go in many different directions, and the reason why you are fearful to talk to people about your business can vary based on your past experiences, attitude, mindset, etc. However, I am going to give you two ways or thought processes that can help you to conquer your fear of talking to people about your Network Marketing business and begin sharing your opportunity to make your business grow! Click on the video below:

The only way that you can become effective and comfortable talking to people about your business is by doing! Remember this saying, “Action cures all fear!” You must act and then the fear will go away. Please send me a message and let me know if this teaching has helped you. I wish you all the best and I believe in you!

P.S.- If you would like to learn more about how you can get more leads and attract more people to talk to about your business, fill in your information below and I will be in touch with you!

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50+ leads a day IS possible. It's proven in this FREE webinar with 10 SIMPLE PROSPECTING TACTICS you've probably NEVER seen before!

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Two Reasons Why You Struggle to Sponsor People into Your Network Marketing Business

Two Reasons Why You Struggle to Sponsor People into Your Network Marketing Business

The three things that all network marketers want for their business is more leads, more money, and to sponsor more reps. There are many skills and marketing methods to get all three in your business. In this post, I am going to talk about sponsoring more reps into your business. Particularly why you are not sponsoring more reps. 

If you are reading this and struggling to sponsor more reps into your network marketing business, and you are going through the numbers, showing your opportunity, it is most likely because you are doing two things that most network marketers are not even aware that they are doing! You are not alone :)

Since I have received so many questions about sponsoring from business owners that I coach or that ask me through social media, I made a video where I discuss what it is that you are doing, or not doing that has you struggling to sponsor more reps into your business. I believe that this will help you!

Did this help you? Does it make sense why people would want to join you in business if you follow the two tips that I provided? If you follow these “rules,” you will become better at sponsoring reps into your business and attract more people to you that will want to be on your team and mentored by you.

In the video, I mentioned how you can grab a copy of Master Sponsoring Series that a mentor of mine, Ray Higdon has made available! Put your information in the fields below and you will get access to a FREE 89 minute training by Ray himself! Additionally, at the end of the training, be sure to pick up a copy of Ray’s 4 module series where he goes into greater detail and even provides scripts that you can use TODAY to sponsor more reps and take you network marketing business to the next level. Fill in your information below and enjoy your training!

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Ken's signature

3 Phases of Business

The 3 Phases of Your Network Marketing Business

Is your Network Marketing business at a stand still? Do you find yourself struggling to motivate and lead your team? Have you been trying to figure out why your business seems to be going backwards? Make sure you watch this video below to learn about the 3 phases of business, and discover what phase you are currently in- you may just find your answers!

In my years of being in the Network Marketing industry, I have seen many business owners both fail and succeed in business. There are several reasons why someone will fail and/or succeed in their Network Marketing business. My goal in this post is to help you, the business owner, avoid some common, and often lethal, phases of your business. These phases are very obvious once you come to know and understand what they are, but if you are not in the proper phase, they can have your business stuck and at a stand still, perhaps even going backwards if you are not aware of them!

Click on the video below and watch as I will cover the 3 Phases that every Network Marketing business usually goes through. Take notes and make sure that you do your best to remain in the correct phase to ensure that your business continues to grow! 

Did you figure out what phase that you are in for your business? If you focus on continually staying in the phase that grows your business, you will have a strong, profitable business that will continue to keep growing. The last important step is for you to teach and educate your other up and coming leaders on the 3 phases so that they can avoid the same mistakes that you may have been making.

If you found value in this post, please comment and share!

Finally, If sponsoring other business owners is something that you struggle with, you definitely need to grab Sponsoring Secrets by a buddy of mine Ray Higdon, who shows you how to become a sponsoring machine! Just fill in your information in the form below and you will gain instant access to over an hour of power packed training! You will also have the opportunity to get even more specific and detailed teaching if you so choose at the end of the training! I know that this will help you :)

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Learn the secrets to becoming a sponsoring machine!

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To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier





6 Winning Traits of a Successful Network Marketer-

6 Winning Traits of a Successful Network Marketer

Are you in Network Marketing or build a Home Business? Did you know that there are common traits that all successful business owners have? I am going to share with you the 6 traits of the successful Network Marketer that I both look for and teach to the people who I work with in business. These traits will help you to grow your business to great heights as well as help keep your business growing and thriving for years to come. That is what you want after all, isn’t it?

So watch this video and really take a look at yourself objectively. Do you have some or all of these traits? Are there certain things that you might need to improve on or traits that you didn’t even know that you needed in order to succeed with your business? Here are the 6 Winning Traits of a Successful Network Marketer:

Did you see anything that you can improve on? Are you guilty of violating any of these traits? We all have areas that we can improve on. If you start to work on these 6 traits, you will begin to attract the right people into your business and be a great example of success! Please leave a comment and let me know what trait that you will work on! Share this with anybody that you feel will benefit from leaning the 6 Traits of a Successful Network Marketer.

To Your Success,
Ken Cloutier

Who is Your Target Audience in Network Marketing-

Who is Your Target Audience in Network Marketing?

Every business and company has a target audience. If you are watching TV and stick around to see the commercials, virtually every one of them is geared toward a particular audience. It could be a safer vehicle for the young family that has a new born baby, to the hip I-Phone cases for teenagers, to the newest computer or technology for the veteran sales pro. The commercials are all designed to “target” the audience or market who is most likely to need, want, or purchase their products and services

So what about your Network Marketing business? Do you have a “target” audience that needs, wants, or desires your products or opportunity? Before you answer that question, I want to give you a very valuable hint that took me years to learn. Hint: It is not EVERYBODY! When my wife and I started our business, we were told to talk to everyone within a 3 foot radius about our opportunity. It did work to some extent, but do you want to walk around everyday hunting, or I mean, talking to everyone that you lay eyes on? My guess is probably not! It wasn’t until later that I learned that you can prospect everyone, but market to your target audience; speak their language and understand the issues that keep them up at night, and then show them how to solve their issue. That is a key tip right there! If you try to market to everyone, you will get no one!

Are you ready for the answer that can change the way that you build and market your business? Watch this short video and I will provide the answer on who YOUR target audience is and why. Enjoy!



When I learned who my target audience was, it changed the way that I grew my business. It was pretty eye opening at first, but the more I thought about who I needed to target and mold my marketing around and why, it made perfect sense!

If this has helped you, please comment and share this with other business owners who may be struggling to identify their target audience. Also, if you are looking for a way to market and attract your particular target audience for your business, be sure to fill in your information below and learn what and how the big earners in Network Marketing are growing their businesses.


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FREE: How to Get More Leads, Sign-Up More Reps, and Make Money from the 90% Who Say No to Your Biz Opp... GUARANTEED!

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To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier





Connect with prospects

Connect Better and Build Rapport With Your Prospects

A major key to successfully sponsoring or building your Network Marketing business is building rapport and connecting with you prospects. Asking better questions is one key way to build on this connection. The issue that most Network Marketers have is that once they determine that a prospect is looking for a side project or to make more money, they immediately go into “pitch mode.” 

The reason that going into “pitch mode” too quickly does not help your sponsoring rate is because people do not want to be sold to. Instead, asking some key questions will enable you to get to know your prospect better and identify what their real needs are and why they are motivated to make some more money at this time in their lives. They will begin to like you and feel more comfortable with you. People get in business with people that they like and feel will be able to truly help them, not just because you product is so awesome! Finding out more about your prospect and their needs, wants, and desires will help you to better connect with them and possibly lead to a great friendship and business relationship.

In the video below, I give you some examples of questions to ask prospects to connect better with them and how it would flow with the conversation. Be sure to take notes because this information can really help you to sponsor more people into your Network Marketing business. Enjoy!


Do you see how simple it is to connect better with you prospects? All that it takes is just digging a little bit deeper to understand the needs, wants, and desires and qualify your prospects!

I am offering you a free 89 minute training AND an opportunity to grab a copy of Ray Higdon’s Mastery Sponsoring that I talked about in the video. I learned some of the information that I shared in the video from the Master Sponsoring modules. If you want your business to grow, and you would like to become better at sponsoring reps into your Network Marketing business, you can’t afford not to grab your copy now! Just fill in your information and grab a pen and paper to take some notes from your free training, after your free training, you will have access to the Mastery Sponsoring offer which is where you will get some ridiculous nuggets and tips to help you sponsor more reps into you Network Marketing business!


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Learn the secrets to becoming a sponsoring machine!

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To Your Sponsoring Success, 

Ken Cloutier

Lead With Value To Grow Your Business

Lead With Value To Grow Your Business

Building a large Network Marketing business is about finding and sponsoring leaders who are ready and serious about building a business of their own. Sponsoring leaders into your Network Marketing business is not hard when you understand value based sponsoring versus pitching people about your business. Think about the last time that someone pitched you about their business. Did they even take the time to really get to know you and find out what you wanted? Did they even ask if you were open to looking at a way to make money?

I have been pitched both on and offline. They told me that they were expanding and that they were looking for leaders and I would be a good fit! Yet, they didn’t even know me!! We had never  had a conversation so how could they know that I would be a good fit? They were simply pitching their business. Pitching your business is a very poor way of promoting your business opportunity or product. People don’t like to be pitched and they usually never take the person doing the pitching very seriously. Pitching your business also makes you look desperate and unattractive to a leader who may want to build a Network Marketing business. If you have made this mistake, don’t feel bad. I used to pitch my business before I understood value based sponsoring. Our business grew a little bit until my wife and I started to provide value to others. Since then, our business has exploded! We learned that the proper and successful way to promote our business is through value.

In this video, I teach the difference between value based sponsoring and pitching your business, and why value is the key to sponsoring leaders into your Network Marketing business.



If you want to become a great sponsoring business owner in your Network Marketing business, it is crucial that you resist the urge to simply pitch and blast your business on and offline. Instead, take the value approach and provide your audience with answers to their needs, wants, and desires. You will have people responding back to you wanting to know what you do and how they can learn more from you! Isn’t that much easier and enjoyable to build your business? Believe me, it is!

If you would like to learn how you can provide more value and sponsor more leaders into your Network Marketing business, fill out the information below and you will be introduced to a phenomenal system that my wife and I have used to explode our business and you can too! See you on the inside!!


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FREE: How to Get More Leads, Sign-Up More Reps, and Make Money from the 90% Who Say No to Your Biz Opp... GUARANTEED!

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To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier

3 Questions

3 Questions To Ask Yourself For Business Success

I have been asked several times over the last few weeks by Network Marketing business owners and Home Business owners on how they can take their business to the next level and grow it to become more profitable. In this video, I answer this question and share with you the 3 questions that you must ask and answer for yourself if you want to succeed in your business.

Please excuse the camera as I was driving while filming!! :) If you take what I explain in the video to heart, you can really take your business and life as a whole, to the next level.



Once you can answer these 3 questions, it will create the blueprint for you to begin to crush it in your business! You will create a vacuum in your mind that will have to be filled. This will begin the process of your mind directing you to the actions and thoughts that you need to have in order to build your business to the point where you want it to be! However, if you do not answer these 3 questions for yourself, you will be stuck where you are now. It’s your choice!

Take the time and sit down with a pen and paper and really figure out your answers to these 3 key questions!

Do you want to learn how to generate leads so that you can ultimately register more people into your business or sell more products? If you would like to learn how to get targeted leads of people who are interested in your opportunity or product, fill in your information below- It changed our business!


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FREE: How to Get More Leads, Sign-Up More Reps, and Make Money from the 90% Who Say No to Your Biz Opp... GUARANTEED!

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To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier

Overcoming Objections in Network Marketing

Overcoming Objections in Network Marketing

If you are new to Network Marketing or have been in the industry for any length of time, you are probably all too familiar with excuses…errr, I mean objections, that people make when presented with your business opportunity. You are asking them or showing them how to work on a side project where they can make extra money, and they still come up with bone headed objections or some preconceived notions/questions that they spout out based on very limited information. Many Network Marketers struggle with objections and therefore are not able to sponsor as many people into their business as they would like. 

Handling objections is really quite simple when you understand where they are coming from. Many times these questions are not even asked as a real reason that they are considering you opportunity. Instead, they are asking to see if you shake in your boots while taking note on how you react. They are, in a sense, challenging you to see how passionate you are and how much you believe in your business. If they do not feel that you believe in your business, or have passion, they will most likely not want to join you and follow your leadership or be mentored by you.

In this video I will show you how to handle 3 very common objections. I want you to really pay attention to how you handle virtually any objection that you will hear. 



Did you notice how you can handle most objections? Answer the objection with a question to get your prospect to stop and really think about what they just said. Many people rattle off objections that they have heard all of their lives so that they do not have to make a decision. You see, most people don’t make many important decisions. Growing up their parents and teachers made their important decisions for them. Once they got out of school, their bosses now make their decisions. So you can understand why they are prone to make excuses of have objections because they are faced with an important decision. By helping people overcome some objections, you can help them to make a quality, educated decision for themselves and their future! If you follow these tips that I provided you,in addition to helping others, you will become a sponsoring machine!

To learn even more sponsoring secrets and how to handle objections, enter your information below to get instant access to a free webinar by my friend Ray Higdon!


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Learn the secrets to becoming a sponsoring machine!

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To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier

Stand out from the crowd

How You Can Stand Out And Be Noticed Online

When you are using the Internet to market yourself and your business, it can be difficult to stand out and be noticed because the internet is full of noise and distractions. It seems as though everyone is offering their opportunities and/or products, including (possibly) yourself. So how do you stand out among the crowd so that people can find you, get to know you, and trust you in order to build your business? Watch this video and I will explain how you can stand out from all of the noise.



So what do you think? Isn’t it exciting to know that you just need to be the best you and you will begin to attract the people who like you and want to learn from you. They might even join your business opportunity! When you are sincere and don’t try to put on an act, you will come across as genuine. People look for genuine people to follow an learn from. The takeaway from this video is to be unique and think of what makes you unique and different from everyone else.

Remember this, there is only one of you in the world, and you were born with the seeds of greatness inside of you. So use them and stand out from all of the noise on the Internet!

If you would like to learn how you can brand yourself and really start to generate more targeted leads of people who are looking for what you have, put in your information and get ready to take your business to the next level!


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FREE: How to Get More Leads, Sign-Up More Reps, and Make Money from the 90% Who Say No to Your Biz Opp... GUARANTEED!

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To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier


