5 Questions To Ask Online Prospects

5 Questions To Ask Online Prospects

There are 5 questions that you should ask ALL prospects when you are determining if they are someone that you would like to work with in your business. These questions should be asked for both on and offline leads. Asking the right questions will help help you not waste time on “tire kickers” or people that are just curious! If you want to make money in your Network Marketing or Home Business, you need to build it with other motivated and action oriented individuals like yourself. You are looking for people who want to take ownership of their biz!

In this short video, I share with you the 5 questions that you should ask every prospect. Specifically, I talking to those of you who are generating leads online. Here are the 5 questions, take some notes:

As I said before, these questions can be used on prospects that you generate both on and offline. The reason that these particular questions are so effective for online leads, is because unlike offline, you don’t really have the opportunity to size them up in person. You are going off of their profile or email that they sent to you. So you need to establish right away if the prospect that you are on the phone with is serious or somebody who will waste your time.

Use these questions and start getting better results sponsoring reps that are just as excited about building their business as you are yours! 

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Don’t forget to grab the 19 Lead Sources For Your Business FREE report. In it, you will learn methods that I have used and other top earners have used to have a constant flow of leads to talk to. Get it on the home page of my blog or click this link and enter your information ===> http://kcloutier.funnelizer.com/19leadsources <===

How To Approach And Talk To Anyone

How To Approach And Talk To Anyone

Approaching and talking to a complete stranger is very intimidating to most people. So what if you are in a business that requires you to talk to strangers about your opportunity? Then what? 

Have you ever been in this situation: You are at the local grocery store and you see the perfect couple or perfect prospect. They look sharp and like they have it all “together.” They would be the perfect person/couple for your business team! Your mind races as you try to come up with a way to get their attention and start a conversation without feeling corny or getting rejected. You stalk them up and down the isles of the store hoping that they will walk your way. They turn away from you and start to walk away to the next isle. Fear takes over and you say to yourself, “they looked like they were busy and I wouldn’t want to bother them.” As you leave the store, you feel like you just let another good prospect get away. The feeling of doubt and discouragement overwhelm you and you get in your car and drive home. “Tomorrow” is what you say. “I will meet another sharp couple tomorrow!”

Have you experienced a situation like that before? Can you relate to the feelings and disappointment? I have been there many times. Through experience, I have learned that when I’m in that situation, I just need to act!

Because I have been in this situation many times, I felt the need to make a short video on how to approach and talk to anyone because I know that many people struggle with this. 90% of approaching and talking to anyone is all in your mind! Let this video provide you some thought process on what to do to approach and talk to anyone, so the above scenario never happens to you again! (in minute 2:53 I share with you an embarrassing moment that I had!)

Many times our fears never even come to pass. We waste more time worrying about what may never happen. Remember, FEAR is- False Evidence Appearing Real!

If you are a Home Business owner or Network Marketer who needs more prospects to talk to about your opportunity, make sure to get my 19 Lead Sources For Your Business. This is a FREE report that will give you killer ideas and methods to get more prospects! Best of all, most of the methods that I teach cost nothing to you :) You can pick up your copy on the Home page of my blog or click on the link here ===> 19 Lead Sources For Your Business <===

With the right mindset of what I talked about in the video combined with the 19 Lead Sources For Your Business, you will have tons of prospects to share your opportunity with! Have fun and build your business big!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Leave a comment and share a funny story that you had while talking to a prospect! Also, please share this post with anyone who you think could benefit from this information- they will thank you  :)


Use Your Story to Attract People to Your Business Opportunity

Use Your Story to Attract People to Your Business Opportunity

Have you wondered how some people are able to attract others to see their Network Marketing opportunity while others struggle to create enough interest for a prospect to take a look at their opportunity? Have you been in that situation before? It can seem like you are trying to give away a disease :) 

There is a reason that some people can quickly gain the interest of prospects to look at their opportunity and it is something that every single one of us possess! That is: Tell Your Story!

You see, people are not interested in how much you know, but they are interested in YOUR story!  Watch this short video and I will explain why your story is the way to get prospects to see your business opportunity and the elements or points of a good story.

Use these 4 elements to tell your story, you will have more prospects who will want to see what your business opportunity is all about! If you can expose your opportunity to more eyeballs, you will have more people that will get started in business with you. It all starts with something that we all have; Your Story!

If you found value in this post/video, please share it with others you know who would benefit from this valuable information. Leave me a comment and let me know that you found value in this; I always love to hear from the people who read my blog!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature



P.S.- Do you need more leads so that you can expose more people to your biz opp? Tired of chasing around strangers at the mall or gas stations? I was there! Fill in your information below and you will have access to training that has helped me to get leads everyday on Autopilot!

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How To Make Effective Prospecting Calls For Your Network Marketing Business

How To Make Effective Prospecting Calls For Your Network Marketing Business

Do you feel nervous or afraid of making phone calls to your prospects when you are trying to expand your Network Marketing business? If you do, you are not alone! When my wife and I first got in business, I refused to make phone calls in front of her. I was concerned with what my prospect and she would do or say!

It is critical that you understand that in order to expand your business, you will need to get on the phone and connect with/talk to your prospects. Your prospects want to get to know who you are, what you are all about, and how you can help them if they are going to get into business with you.

For a lot of people, maybe even yourself, the thought of calling a prospect and getting rejected, ridiculed, or even laughed at is a prime fear. If you want to make effective prospecting calls, you should know the 4 emotions of making these calls and how to use them correctly. Watch this video and you will learn how to make your calls without the fear of what your prospect will say or do so that you can expose your business opportunity!

Did this video help? You can become bulletproof if you know and understand these 4 tips. To get better at making prospecting calls for your business, all it takes is practice. The more you do it with the proper mindset, the better you will become at making calls and setting appointments to share your business opportunity.

If you found value in this post, please pay it forward and share it with anyone that you know who would benefit from the information shared. Also, throw me a comment and let me know how you will use these 4 tips to make better prospecting calls moving forward :)

Do you need more leads and more prospects to talk to about your business? Fill in your information below and you will gain immediate access to training on how you can get more prospects and have people asking you for more information on what you do!

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50+ leads a day IS possible. It's proven in this FREE webinar with 10 SIMPLE PROSPECTING TACTICS you've probably NEVER seen before!

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To Your Success,

Ken's signature


Why it is important for you to be a buyer!

Why it is important for you to be a buyer!

So you got into business to make money right? We all did. So why am I saying that it is important for you to be a buyer when your goal is to sell as much product, business tools, training materials, etc to make money?

The simple answer is that in order to attract buyers you must be a buyer! In the video below I go into more details on why being a buyer is important to your business and selling success:

If you are willing to invest in yourself and your business, you can not only get the newest and most recent information on your craft, but you also set in motion the flow of people buying from you! I learned that financially successful people don’t just save their money, instead they act like a river flowing from the start to the end. They make money, spend money, and more money keeps coming in. Now I am not saying to just go on a spending spree! But what I am saying is that you need to “do” what it is that you want others to “do!”

Don’t let the mindset of being cheap and trying to get everything for free keep you from having the success that you deserve. Instead, make wise spending decisions that will help grow you and your business and you will begin to see yourself attracting other buyers to your products.

If you found value in this video and post, please share this with others. Also drop me a comment and let me know your thoughts!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- If you would like to learn how to get more leads in order to grow your business and make more sales, fill in your information below!

Get More Prospects!

50+ leads a day IS possible. It's proven in this FREE webinar with 10 SIMPLE PROSPECTING TACTICS you've probably NEVER seen before!

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How to conquer your fear of talking to people about business

How to conquer your fear of talking to people about business

If you are building a Network Marketing business you will need to talk to people. For many business owners, you will also need to get over the fear of talking to people about your business in order to have it grow. Most likely, you got into Network Marketing because you were attracted to the money and time freedom that this incredible industry offers. Yet, when it comes to talking to people and sharing this awesome opportunity, a lot of business owners clam up and are afraid to talk to people.

How did you meet your best friend? Before you developed a friendship with them you didn’t know them at all. You had to talk to them at some point to determine that you had like interests, etc! So why are you fearful of making some new friends who need what you have and probably have like interests (time and money freedom)? There are tons of people out in the marketplace who want what you have to offer, and are probably praying for an opportunity to come their way! You are the solution to their needs, wants, and desires!

This is a subject that can go in many different directions, and the reason why you are fearful to talk to people about your business can vary based on your past experiences, attitude, mindset, etc. However, I am going to give you two ways or thought processes that can help you to conquer your fear of talking to people about your Network Marketing business and begin sharing your opportunity to make your business grow! Click on the video below:

The only way that you can become effective and comfortable talking to people about your business is by doing! Remember this saying, “Action cures all fear!” You must act and then the fear will go away. Please send me a message and let me know if this teaching has helped you. I wish you all the best and I believe in you!

P.S.- If you would like to learn more about how you can get more leads and attract more people to talk to about your business, fill in your information below and I will be in touch with you!

Get More Prospects!

50+ leads a day IS possible. It's proven in this FREE webinar with 10 SIMPLE PROSPECTING TACTICS you've probably NEVER seen before!

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To Your Success,

Ken's signature





Two Reasons Why You Struggle to Sponsor People into Your Network Marketing Business

Two Reasons Why You Struggle to Sponsor People into Your Network Marketing Business

The three things that all network marketers want for their business is more leads, more money, and to sponsor more reps. There are many skills and marketing methods to get all three in your business. In this post, I am going to talk about sponsoring more reps into your business. Particularly why you are not sponsoring more reps. 

If you are reading this and struggling to sponsor more reps into your network marketing business, and you are going through the numbers, showing your opportunity, it is most likely because you are doing two things that most network marketers are not even aware that they are doing! You are not alone :)

Since I have received so many questions about sponsoring from business owners that I coach or that ask me through social media, I made a video where I discuss what it is that you are doing, or not doing that has you struggling to sponsor more reps into your business. I believe that this will help you!

Did this help you? Does it make sense why people would want to join you in business if you follow the two tips that I provided? If you follow these “rules,” you will become better at sponsoring reps into your business and attract more people to you that will want to be on your team and mentored by you.

In the video, I mentioned how you can grab a copy of Master Sponsoring Series that a mentor of mine, Ray Higdon has made available! Put your information in the fields below and you will get access to a FREE 89 minute training by Ray himself! Additionally, at the end of the training, be sure to pick up a copy of Ray’s 4 module series where he goes into greater detail and even provides scripts that you can use TODAY to sponsor more reps and take you network marketing business to the next level. Fill in your information below and enjoy your training!

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Learn the secrets to becoming a sponsoring machine!

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To Your Success,

Ken's signature

3 Phases of Business

The 3 Phases of Your Network Marketing Business

Is your Network Marketing business at a stand still? Do you find yourself struggling to motivate and lead your team? Have you been trying to figure out why your business seems to be going backwards? Make sure you watch this video below to learn about the 3 phases of business, and discover what phase you are currently in- you may just find your answers!

In my years of being in the Network Marketing industry, I have seen many business owners both fail and succeed in business. There are several reasons why someone will fail and/or succeed in their Network Marketing business. My goal in this post is to help you, the business owner, avoid some common, and often lethal, phases of your business. These phases are very obvious once you come to know and understand what they are, but if you are not in the proper phase, they can have your business stuck and at a stand still, perhaps even going backwards if you are not aware of them!

Click on the video below and watch as I will cover the 3 Phases that every Network Marketing business usually goes through. Take notes and make sure that you do your best to remain in the correct phase to ensure that your business continues to grow! 

Did you figure out what phase that you are in for your business? If you focus on continually staying in the phase that grows your business, you will have a strong, profitable business that will continue to keep growing. The last important step is for you to teach and educate your other up and coming leaders on the 3 phases so that they can avoid the same mistakes that you may have been making.

If you found value in this post, please comment and share!

Finally, If sponsoring other business owners is something that you struggle with, you definitely need to grab Sponsoring Secrets by a buddy of mine Ray Higdon, who shows you how to become a sponsoring machine! Just fill in your information in the form below and you will gain instant access to over an hour of power packed training! You will also have the opportunity to get even more specific and detailed teaching if you so choose at the end of the training! I know that this will help you :)

Instant Access!

Learn the secrets to becoming a sponsoring machine!

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To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier





6 Winning Traits of a Successful Network Marketer-

6 Winning Traits of a Successful Network Marketer

Are you in Network Marketing or build a Home Business? Did you know that there are common traits that all successful business owners have? I am going to share with you the 6 traits of the successful Network Marketer that I both look for and teach to the people who I work with in business. These traits will help you to grow your business to great heights as well as help keep your business growing and thriving for years to come. That is what you want after all, isn’t it?

So watch this video and really take a look at yourself objectively. Do you have some or all of these traits? Are there certain things that you might need to improve on or traits that you didn’t even know that you needed in order to succeed with your business? Here are the 6 Winning Traits of a Successful Network Marketer:

Did you see anything that you can improve on? Are you guilty of violating any of these traits? We all have areas that we can improve on. If you start to work on these 6 traits, you will begin to attract the right people into your business and be a great example of success! Please leave a comment and let me know what trait that you will work on! Share this with anybody that you feel will benefit from leaning the 6 Traits of a Successful Network Marketer.

To Your Success,
Ken Cloutier

Who is Your Target Audience in Network Marketing-

Who is Your Target Audience in Network Marketing?

Every business and company has a target audience. If you are watching TV and stick around to see the commercials, virtually every one of them is geared toward a particular audience. It could be a safer vehicle for the young family that has a new born baby, to the hip I-Phone cases for teenagers, to the newest computer or technology for the veteran sales pro. The commercials are all designed to “target” the audience or market who is most likely to need, want, or purchase their products and services

So what about your Network Marketing business? Do you have a “target” audience that needs, wants, or desires your products or opportunity? Before you answer that question, I want to give you a very valuable hint that took me years to learn. Hint: It is not EVERYBODY! When my wife and I started our business, we were told to talk to everyone within a 3 foot radius about our opportunity. It did work to some extent, but do you want to walk around everyday hunting, or I mean, talking to everyone that you lay eyes on? My guess is probably not! It wasn’t until later that I learned that you can prospect everyone, but market to your target audience; speak their language and understand the issues that keep them up at night, and then show them how to solve their issue. That is a key tip right there! If you try to market to everyone, you will get no one!

Are you ready for the answer that can change the way that you build and market your business? Watch this short video and I will provide the answer on who YOUR target audience is and why. Enjoy!



When I learned who my target audience was, it changed the way that I grew my business. It was pretty eye opening at first, but the more I thought about who I needed to target and mold my marketing around and why, it made perfect sense!

If this has helped you, please comment and share this with other business owners who may be struggling to identify their target audience. Also, if you are looking for a way to market and attract your particular target audience for your business, be sure to fill in your information below and learn what and how the big earners in Network Marketing are growing their businesses.


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FREE: How to Get More Leads, Sign-Up More Reps, and Make Money from the 90% Who Say No to Your Biz Opp... GUARANTEED!

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To Your Success,

Ken Cloutier



