There are 5 questions that you should ask ALL prospects when you are determining if they are someone that you would like to work with in your business. These questions should be asked for both on and offline leads. Asking the right questions will help help you not waste time on “tire kickers” or people that are just curious! If you want to make money in your Network Marketing or Home Business, you need to build it with other motivated and action oriented individuals like yourself. You are looking for people who want to take ownership of their biz!
In this short video, I share with you the 5 questions that you should ask every prospect. Specifically, I talking to those of you who are generating leads online. Here are the 5 questions, take some notes:
As I said before, these questions can be used on prospects that you generate both on and offline. The reason that these particular questions are so effective for online leads, is because unlike offline, you don’t really have the opportunity to size them up in person. You are going off of their profile or email that they sent to you. So you need to establish right away if the prospect that you are on the phone with is serious or somebody who will waste your time.
Use these questions and start getting better results sponsoring reps that are just as excited about building their business as you are yours!
To Your Success,
P.S.- Don’t forget to grab the 19 Lead Sources For Your Business FREE report. In it, you will learn methods that I have used and other top earners have used to have a constant flow of leads to talk to. Get it on the home page of my blog or click this link and enter your information ===> <===