Why Network Marketing Makes Sense!

Network Marketing has a long, storied history that dates back to the 1950’s. Over the years it has gotten both good and bad publicity. Recently, however, many people are beginning to understand how Network Marketing can be a very simple and low risk way to make money.

Network Marketing can basically be defined as a company that sells goods or services or both who has distributors that sell the product to the market place via word of mouth. This cuts down the advertising expense to the company and allows the distributor to make the profits that the company would normally use on advertising. The second component to Network Marketing is the ability to add other distributors into their network who do the same thing. When other distributors sell a product, everyone in that network gets a small percentage of the profits. Does this sound familiar? McDonald’s uses the same concept. When Ray Kroc started with McDonald’s, he only had two stores. Understanding the law of duplication, Ray began offering an opportunity to entrepreneurs to purchase a store and he would provide all of the training and supplies. In exchange, the owner of the store was able to keep 98% of the earnings and gave Ray the additional 2%. This was a great deal for both parties involved. The store owner made a lot of money and as more and more stores opened up, Ray made a lot of money. Would your like to have 2% of a million dollars duplicated over and over? That is the essence of Network Marketing. Now that you have an understanding of how Network Marketing works, let’s discuss why it makes sense for the average individual to use it as a way to make money. It is important to understand that Network Marketing is  not for everybody. Then again, what is?

There are tons of Network Marketing companies out there that have many different products. From electronics to phone services to health/consumables and insurance, and many more. It is based on the individual’s preferred product that will help to determine which opportunity is best.

Generally speaking, you are able to purchase products from the company and make money doing it. How neat is it to be able to buy things that you are going to buy anyway and make money back? Think of it as frequent flyer miles that airlines offer. When was the last time that a major supermarket or store in your area actually sent you a check based on a percentage of the products that you had to buy already? Very cool concept, wouldn’t you say? In addition to purchasing your own products, you are now able to sell the products that other people are also already purchasing and using. This allows you to make a profit just like the major stores do that you have been spending your hard earned money with. There is no limit to how much you can sell or earn as it is all word of mouth selling- the best way! Think about the last time that you bought a shirt or a pair of shoes and got complimented. Most likely the person asked you where you bought the shirt or shoes and went to the same store and purchased the shirt, shoes, or even some other clothing. Did the store send you a referral check for the money the new customer spent? Can you see how this works? You put yourself in a position to be able to profit from things that you do already on a daily basis.

Finally, in Network Marketing you are able to offer the same opportunity that you have to others. Notice the word that I used- “offer.” You don’t sell people on getting in business or joining a Network Marketing opportunity, you ID-100105995simply offer it to them as a way to make money. Remember that I said Network Marketing is not for everybody? Some people that you offer the opportunity to are not in a place in their lives where they are looking to create additional income. Maybe they just got a promotion at work or are finishing up a Doctorate degree. Whatever the case may be, they just are not interested in the opportunity. So what? There are millions of other people all over the world that are looking for an opportunity to make money. You just have to sift through people to find the ones
that are serious about making more money. I like to use the example of a waiter or waitress and ketchup. You and another person are at a restaurant and just ordered a burger and fries. The waiter or waitress asks the both of you if you would like some ketchup with your burger and fries. You say no because you don’t like ketchup. Do you think the waiter or waitress takes it personal that you don’t want ketchup? No. They simply ask your friend if they want ketchup and they say yes. It is as simple as that! We all have a circle of influence that would be open to creating some additional money, you just have to ask them.

It is with sincere hope that this article has cleared up any misconceptions or given you a good frame of reference as to what Network Marketing is. It does not matter your educational level, age, or type of job or career that you have. Anyone can use Network Marketing to achieve their financial goals. All that matters for anyone considering a Network Marketing opportunity is that you have a goal in mind and that you are willing to be persistent, work hard in your own business, and can handle rejection.

My wife and I have been part of a Network Marketing business for several years and have successfully helped hundreds of people make money and achieve their financial goals. Just as in anything, there are no guarantees, and please understand that Network Marketing is not a “get rich quick scheme.” Legitimate results requires legitimate effort.

If you are building a Network Marketing business currently, congratulations! Keep at it and don’t ever give up! I wish you the best. If you are looking for a Network Marketing opportunity or just looking for a way to make money in general and would like my help, I would be honored to find out what your goals are and help you to achieve them together. Just click here and I will see you on the other side!

To Your Success!

Ken Cloutier




How to Make Good Decisions

Good decision making is crucial to anyone that wants to achieve success. In the very high-tech world we live in today, there is a battle for your mind. From the pressures of getting the newest cell phones/technology to the tv commercials telling you why you should buy their products,  to the world news attempting to direct you on how to vote, think, etc.we are constantly surrounded by others who want to make decisions for you.

It’s no wonder why so many people fall victim to their own decisions. They have never really had to. It is as if many people are like sheep that just follow one another into the slaughter house and then wonder “how did I end up here?” With the constant battle for our minds, we must understand how to think for ourselves and make the best decisions that can have a positive influence in our lives. We have fallen into the trap of trying to “keep up with the Joneses” (whoever they are) and if my next door neighbor, co-worker, friend, or relative is doing or not doing it, it must be the right thing to do. Those of you who learn how to think for yourself and make quality decisions can save yourself a lot of hard times and heart aches.

I am not proposing that I am an expert in decision making nor do I claim that I have made all of the right decsions. That is very far from the truth! In fact, the reason why I feel that I can write this post is because I have made many bad decisions try  ing to keep up with the rest of society! The key is that I have learned from most of my bad decisions  and more importantly, learned from the process of how I made those bad decisions.

 The way to make a good decision versus a bad decision is not at all complicated. In fact, it can be summed up with one word- VISION.

Vision allows you to look ahead and see things how you want the end result to be not as you see them currently This is not like having psychic powers where you are looking into the future, but you have a clear picture of where you want to be and then make your actions line up in order to get there.

So what does vision have to do with making good decisions you ask? Everything! If you don’t have the vision of where you are going, how can you get there? Furthermore, how can you take the correct actions and take advantage of the law of cause and effect?

Vision allows you to look far enough ahead to see what is coming. By doing this, you can now be proactive instead of reactive. When people are reactive to things it is like being hit by a barrage of punches from Floyd Mayweather. You are powerless and have to take them with no time to adjust.

If you take our slumping economy, bad job market, and high gas prices into account, you can see how the people with vision can avoid the life challenges of the majority. Those folks who have either went into business for themselves or started a home-based business where they can make additional income while maintaining a job, have looked ahead and fixed their leaky roof before it rains. They know what they want (or what they don’t want) and are doing something about it. They are being proactive.

So how about you? Have you been proactive or have you been hit with body blow after body blow from Floyd Mayweather?! After awhile those punches hurt and start to wear you down. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Have you lost your vision for what you want and are now just taking life as it comes? I know how that feels, I have been there. It is a very frustrating feeling to not feel like you have any control over your life or future. The good news is that you can take control of your financial future by making the right decisions. One of the best decisions that I have ever made was to start a home-based business and take control of my financial future so when the economy slumped or the job market dried up, I am able to get water from my well rather than wonder where the well is!

If you have vision of where you want to be for your financial future and are ready to do something about it, then click here and let’s talk!!

To your success!

Ken Cloutier- Get Motivated For Success
