Are you looking to live an extraordinary life? Most people want to live a life of significance and happiness in a world that celebrates average and mediocrity. Today, we live in a culture where people will criticize you for having a dream and a desire to get more out of life. Living a life of significance and happiness will make lazy, non-motivated people jealous because you want or are doing something that matters instead of doing nothing and blending in with everyone else. Are you ready to take the next step in your life and start living an extraordinary one?
Here are 6 Steps to live the extraordinary life that you want:
1. Vision: Everything starts with vision! You must see beyond where you currently are in order to live the extraordinary life that you want. It is important to know where you want to go so that you can begin to work and apply daily habits to help you move towards that goal. Those that do not have vision of where they want to go will never get there! It is like being on a rudderless ship, you will be tossed around by the waves, never really going anywhere. Take the time and develop a vision for your life.
2. Have a plan: A plan is essential for you to be able to achieve your vision. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If are struggling to develop a plan, see if you can find someone to help you or mentor you. There are tons of resources out there, think outside the box!
3. Risk: To live an extraordinary life, risk is always involved. People may try to steal your dreams, even if they are well meaning. You have to take a leap of faith at times and just follow your heart in order to accomplish your vision and goals. Don’t let others talk you out of becoming extraordinary!
4. Discipline/Schedule: Develop daily habits that will enable you to move forward towards your vision and goals and stick with them. This is not always easy because sometimes you may not feel like doing what you know that you should do. However, it is just as easy to do what you don’t want to do as it is to not take action at all. Be consistent with your daily actions and work your plan.
5. Passion: If you are going to live an extraordinary life, you need to have some passion about you. Your goals and vision should be a dominating thought. Tune out all of the white noise around you like the news, etc. If it will not help you get closer to your goals, do you really need it? Remember this: Garbage in – garbage out. What you put in your mind will come out, so be careful what you watch and listen to!
6. Have a definite purpose: Empower and raise other people up. Do something that will outlive you and enrich the lives of others. Live with no regrets and give it all you have!
You were created for greatness and you have what it takes to make an impact in the world! Living an extraordinary life is more than just trading hours for dollars and living your life inside of a bubble. Step outside of your bubble and make the world a better place to live with your vision; your extraordinary life.
Are you ready to start living out your extraordinary life? Do you want to make an impact and make a difference in your life and the lives of others? If so, click here and join the movement!
To Your Extraordinary Life!
Ken Cloutier