The MLM Question That You Should Ask All Prospects

The MLM Question That You Should Ask All Prospects

MLM or Multi Level Marketing business reps many times find themselves on the front line of questions. They are getting pelted left and right with all sorts of objections, clarifications, and more. If you have ever been hit with a ton of questions from a prospect about your MLM opportunity, it can feel like you are on your heels trying to justify everything about your company and comp plan. It can get very tiresome.

Within this post, I am going to share with you some MLM tips that will help you to eliminate the barrage of questions that you get from prospects.

In fact, there is a question that you can ask your prospect to turn the tide and put them on their heels, so that they have to do the song and dance! It is a question that is rarely taught, but a very powerful one. If you use these MLM tips and tricks, you can begin to have the correct posture when you are sharing your business opportunity and registering reps into your MLM business.

In the video below, I share with you an MLM tip that will give you more confidence on how to deal with prospect questions. Take note of the very specific question that you should ask all of your prospects even if they are not hitting you with a ton of questions.

Get 27 Leads Per Day For Your Business

What a simple question to ask right? The reason that it is so effective is because prospects are used to being asked similar questions and having to answer them when they go on job interviews. Your Multi Level Marketing opportunity is no different. You must treat it as though you are hiring your next board of directors and you want to work with people who are motivated and have a why rather than trying to convince them that they need your business opportunity.

When you establish yourself as the authority who can help them, building your business will become fun and less taxing because you are going to be working with the RIGHT people!

If you found value in these Multi Level marketing tips, feel free to comment below and share it with other people you feel can benefit!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S.- Want MORE MLM tips and Tricks like this? Be sure to sign up for my daily Network Marketing Newsletter HERE!


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MLM Tips To Grow Your Business in Beast Mode

MLM Tips To Grow Your Business in Beast Mode

MLM and Network Marketing business requires a lot of activity if you want to have MLM success. The fact is, most new business owners jump into a MLM business opportunity and think that if they just paste their Multi Level Marketing business link all across Social Media, they will sponsor a ton of people and make a bunch of money.

This is just not the case! If you want to have success in your MLM, you have to get into Beast Mode!

You may be wondering what the heck is Beast Mode? Getting into Beast Mode about your business opportunity is simply not being addicted to the outcome. It is not caring what other people think or say about you or your MLM! Most newbies and veterans in Network Marketing say that they don’t care what other people say or think, but in reality, their actions speak much louder than their words.

In the video below, you will learn some MLM tips and tricks on how to get into Beast Mode in your Network Marketing business so that you can have the MLM success that you are looking for. Getting into Beast Mode is a simple shift in mindset and attitude. Watch the short video below, and you will see exactly what I mean!

Get 27 Leads Per Day For Your Business

You can have great success in your MLM opportunity if you will simply shift your mindset from being addicted to the outcome, to being addicted to the seeing if someone is open minded about a Network Marketing business opportunity!


Beast Mode is my only mode! Click To Tweet

Beast Mode ON! Click To Tweet

Everyone wants to be a beast until it’s time to do what real beasts do Click To Tweet


Did you find value? If so, feel free to comment below and share it with other people you feel can benefit!

To Your Success,
Ken's signature


PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 7 people), This is the Course you Should Get- Sponsoring Secrets Pro


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MLM Tips To Talk To Your Chicken List

MLM Tips To Talk To Your Chicken List

MLM tips are something that every Network Marketer or Home Business owner can use. In this post, I am going to share with you some MLM tips and tricks on how you can talk to or engage with your “chicken list!”

What is a “chicken list?” A chicken list are those individuals who you would like to talk to about your business opportunity, but you are intimidated by them. Usually the people on the chicken list are people who you respect and value their opinion. Furthermore, many times these prospects on your chicken list are doing well financially, and you may feel that they would never want to join your business.

I have good news for you! It’s not your fault!! You have never been properly taught the MLM tips on how to approach your chicken list, or been given the correct mindset on how to engage with them. Your upline or the mentor that is helping you most likely told you to write down a bunch of names on a piece of paper, which you did. The names that you wrote down were probably people who you are doing better than financially, or you KNOW that they need to make money.

The reality is, most of the time it is in the chicken list that lies the true go-getter and ambitious people that you know! That is why you are intimidated and haven’t asked them if they are open to your opportunity. Crazy, right?

These Network Marketing tips on how to approach your chicken list that I share with you in the video below will help you to approach your chicken list with confidence!! These are very useful MLM tips for beginners that you can share with your team as well.

Instill the mindset that I spoke about in the video when approaching your chicken list, and you will have much more success!

Additional Information On Talking To Prospects


If you found value, please feel free to comment and share!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


PS: Here is a FREE TRAINING on 10 SIMPLE PROSPECTING TACTICS. Fill in your information below for INSTANT access NOW!

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50+ leads a day IS possible. It's proven in this FREE webinar with 10 SIMPLE PROSPECTING TACTICS you've probably NEVER seen before!

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MLM tips- How To Close A Reluctant Prospect

MLM tips- How To Close A Reluctant Prospect

MLM tips are something that every Network Marketer needs. In this post, I am going to show you how to sponsor and close the reluctant prospect. Have you ever shared your business opportunity to someone and they love the marketing plan and the products, but they just have a hard time saying yes? They are the “fence sitters” that we all cringe at! Wouldn’t you rather have someone tell you ‘yes’ or ‘no’? It makes it much easier. Most Network Marketers spend countless numbers of hours with these “fence sitters” trying to convince them on why they should join their business. They go on and on about how the products are awesome and how their lives will change. 

The fact is, if you are doing this, you are coming across as a desperate business owner who NEEDS them. Instead, your prospect should feel that they need YOU in their lives to help them make money and realize their dreams. What if you could find out some easy MLM recruiting secrets and MLM recruiting tips that will enable you to sponsor more of the reluctant prospects? Wouldn’t that make your Network Marketing recruiting much easier?

In the video below, I share with you some Network Marketing tips on how you can sponsor and close the reluctant prospect!

When you learn MLM tips like this, it will help you to leverage the work that you are doing. You can then sponsor more reps into your company with the least amount of effort!

More MLM Tips For You

Multi-level Marketing Master Tips

7 Tips for Network Marketing Success

Would you would like some more MLM tips and tricks on how to grow your business? Here is an additional resource by one of my mentors, Ray Higdon! Ray is a top earner in Network Marketing and he offers a product that goes through A-Z on how to prospect, share your opportunity, and sponsor more reps into your business. This one single product changed my business, and it can change yours as well! If you are in need of some simple, effective ways to grow your business, you will want to pick up this training! You can grab it HERE.

If you found value, please feel free to comment and share!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S. If You want to generate more leads for your business, watch this FREE training on how to get 27+ leads per DAY!! Click Here


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