Common MLM Mistakes Keeping You Broke

Common MLM Mistakes Keeping You Broke

MLM mistakes are very common among newbies and veterans alike. Regardless if you know you are making mistakes in your business or not will still result in the same result…They will keep you broke!

Avoiding some of these costly mistakes will allow you to grow and maintain your MLM business. After all, you work hard to build it, right?

These Network Marketing tips that I am going to share with you are not just your typical MLM tips for beginners, but if you have been in business for any length of time, you have probably made some of these exact errors. I know I did!

In the video below I point out 12 common mistakes that are keeping your broke! Write these MLM tips down and see if you or your team are making these same errors. Many of these mistakes that I talk about your upline isn’t even teaching you! Grab a notepad and pen and let’s get started!

More Tips & Tricks On Growing Your Business

Do you see how these mistakes can effect the growth of your Network Marketing business opportunity and keep you broke? You work too hard to build a profitable business, and I would hate to see you struggle unnecessarily!

Additional Resources For You

The MLM Success Formula

Multi Level Marketing- How Strong Is Your Business?

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To Your Success,

Ken's signature


PS: If You Struggle To Sponsor People Into Your Business, This is the Course you Should Get- Total Recruiting Mastery


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Multi Level Marketing- How Strong Is Your Business?

Multi Level Marketing- How Strong Is Your Business?

Multi Level Marketing is like any other business in that you have to continuously evaluate and look at the strength of your business. We all need to step back and take a look to see where our business is at, what we are doing well, and where we need improvement.

 It is foolish to continue to try and grow your Network Marketing business and not look at the activity that you have compared to the results that you are getting! If you are taking a lot of action but not getting any results, or very little, you must look at what is not working and make adjustments. Sometimes when you look at what is not working, you can also look for other ways to accomplish the same thing.

For example, you can prospect people offline all day everyday, or you can add Social Media and/or use an Attraction Marketing system to help increase the amount of prospects that you can share your MLM business opportunity with! Both ways work effectively, but you should evaluate which one is working better for you and getting you the best results, and then scale up or do more of that which is working best for you. This can be done in almost every area of your Multi Level Marketing business.

Some of the areas to look at when determining the strength of your Multi Level Marketing business are:

  1. Do you have a Business and Marketing Plan
  2. Are you Creating and Sharing Content at least 2-3 times per week consistently
  3. Are you Adding 10-20 new leads per day to your email list
  4. Are you Consistently acquiring new customers
  5. Do you offer a tiered product mix to increase your profit

In the video below, I explain the importance of having these 5 elements in your Multi Level Marketing business and how you can measure the strength of your business. Be sure to grab a pen and paper because I will do a short exercise with you to help you determine just how strong or weak your MLM business is!

Get 27 Leads Per Day For Your Business

If you do not have these things in place, chances are that you will struggle in building your MLM business and it will not be as strong of a business as it could be. Analyze what things that you are doing well, and also look at some of the things that you may need to improve on. When you are implementing all 5 of the areas in your business, it will be a strong Multi Level Marketing business that will provide a great income for you and your family! 


“Don’t be embarrassed by your failures. Learn from them and start again.”- Richard Branson Click to Tweet

“The goal is to provide inspiring information that moves people to action.”- Guy Kawasaki Click to Tweet

“The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.” Peter Drucker Click to Tweet

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To Your Success,
Ken's signature


PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 7 people), This is the Course you Should Get- Sponsoring Secrets Pro

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MLM Tips To Grow Your Business in Beast Mode

MLM Tips To Grow Your Business in Beast Mode

MLM and Network Marketing business requires a lot of activity if you want to have MLM success. The fact is, most new business owners jump into a MLM business opportunity and think that if they just paste their Multi Level Marketing business link all across Social Media, they will sponsor a ton of people and make a bunch of money.

This is just not the case! If you want to have success in your MLM, you have to get into Beast Mode!

You may be wondering what the heck is Beast Mode? Getting into Beast Mode about your business opportunity is simply not being addicted to the outcome. It is not caring what other people think or say about you or your MLM! Most newbies and veterans in Network Marketing say that they don’t care what other people say or think, but in reality, their actions speak much louder than their words.

In the video below, you will learn some MLM tips and tricks on how to get into Beast Mode in your Network Marketing business so that you can have the MLM success that you are looking for. Getting into Beast Mode is a simple shift in mindset and attitude. Watch the short video below, and you will see exactly what I mean!

Get 27 Leads Per Day For Your Business

You can have great success in your MLM opportunity if you will simply shift your mindset from being addicted to the outcome, to being addicted to the seeing if someone is open minded about a Network Marketing business opportunity!


Beast Mode is my only mode! Click To Tweet

Beast Mode ON! Click To Tweet

Everyone wants to be a beast until it’s time to do what real beasts do Click To Tweet


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To Your Success,
Ken's signature


PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 7 people), This is the Course you Should Get- Sponsoring Secrets Pro


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