How To Recruit Different Personality Types Into Your MLM

How To Recruit Different Personality Types Into Your MLM

Personality types are something that every single one of us has in our DNA. Each individual person has a combination of four personality types from the laid back to the aggressive approach to people and life. Knowing how to interact with each of the four personality type is critical to your MLM recruiting or Network Marketing recruiting!

Building an MLM or multi level marketing business is all about relationships. The more that you know about the four personality types, the better you will become at building business teams. You will know what motivates some while it will repel others, and you will also know how to close each of the personality types into your business opportunity!

Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to sit down with a prospect and recognize what personality type they are? You would know the exact words to say to get them interested in your opportunity, and sign up many more distributors than you currently do!

The four personality types are:

  1. The Sanguine
  2. The Phlegmatic
  3. The Choleric
  4. The Melancholy

In the video below, I am going to reveal to you MLM recruiting secrets on how to interact with each personality type, and give you the necessary communication skills to close ANY of the four personalities into your business.

The Network Marketing Newsletter

Learning how to recruit different personalities into your MLM is crucial to the overall growth and longevity of your business. Study the qualities and traits of these unique personality types and learn how to connect with each one more effectively!

Comment below and let us know what your personality combination is!

More Resources For You On Personalities

For more detailed information of the four personality types, I recommend that you read and digest this book:

Personality Plus

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To Your Success,

Ken's signature


PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 7 people), This is the Course you Should Get- Sponsoring Secrets Pro


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Network Marketing Pro Tips To Recruit Busy People

Network Marketing Pro Tips To Recruit Busy People

Network marketing pro tips to recruit busy people will be very beneficial to you want to build a large Network Marketing business. You already know that your success in Network Marketing largely depends on recruiting and sponsoring motivated and ambitious people who want to build a business to make more money, have more time, etc. Many of these prospects that fit into this category of the ideal prospect, are busy professionals, moms, dads, students, and many more.

The one thing that all of these people typically have in commonis that they are busy! They have a lot of responsibilities and wear a ton of hats!

So how exactly do you recruit people who are “busy” into your business if they don’t seem to have any more time to add anything else to their already full plate?

This Network Marketing training video will show you how you can start becoming a Network Marketing pro and recruit your ideal (busy) prospects into your Network Marketing business!


Quotes About Being Busy

“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” -Socrates Click to Tweet

“I don’t care how busy I am, I will always make time for what’s most important to me.” -Kevin Hart Click to Tweet

Did this help? If so, feel free to comment below and share it with other people you feel can benefit!
To Your Success,

Ken's signature


PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 7 people), This is the Course you Should Get- Sponsoring Secrets Pro

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MLM tips- How To Close A Reluctant Prospect

MLM tips- How To Close A Reluctant Prospect

MLM tips are something that every Network Marketer needs. In this post, I am going to show you how to sponsor and close the reluctant prospect. Have you ever shared your business opportunity to someone and they love the marketing plan and the products, but they just have a hard time saying yes? They are the “fence sitters” that we all cringe at! Wouldn’t you rather have someone tell you ‘yes’ or ‘no’? It makes it much easier. Most Network Marketers spend countless numbers of hours with these “fence sitters” trying to convince them on why they should join their business. They go on and on about how the products are awesome and how their lives will change. 

The fact is, if you are doing this, you are coming across as a desperate business owner who NEEDS them. Instead, your prospect should feel that they need YOU in their lives to help them make money and realize their dreams. What if you could find out some easy MLM recruiting secrets and MLM recruiting tips that will enable you to sponsor more of the reluctant prospects? Wouldn’t that make your Network Marketing recruiting much easier?

In the video below, I share with you some Network Marketing tips on how you can sponsor and close the reluctant prospect!

When you learn MLM tips like this, it will help you to leverage the work that you are doing. You can then sponsor more reps into your company with the least amount of effort!

More MLM Tips For You

Multi-level Marketing Master Tips

7 Tips for Network Marketing Success

Would you would like some more MLM tips and tricks on how to grow your business? Here is an additional resource by one of my mentors, Ray Higdon! Ray is a top earner in Network Marketing and he offers a product that goes through A-Z on how to prospect, share your opportunity, and sponsor more reps into your business. This one single product changed my business, and it can change yours as well! If you are in need of some simple, effective ways to grow your business, you will want to pick up this training! You can grab it HERE.

If you found value, please feel free to comment and share!

To Your Success,

Ken's signature


P.S. If You want to generate more leads for your business, watch this FREE training on how to get 27+ leads per DAY!! Click Here


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