“What do you do for a living?” is a very common question that you will get if you are prospecting both online and offline for your Network Marketing business. It is important to know exactly what to say when you are posed with this question.
Many Network Marketers freeze and bumble when a prospect asks them, “What do you do?” They are like a deer in headlights! If you don’t answer this question quickly and confidently, your prospect will not take you seriously and most likely will not be interested in anything that you have offer.
If you offer a what do you do answer that raises curiosity, then you have the prospect interested and literally leaning forward to find out exactly what it is that you do! For example, an accountant can simply say that “I am an accountant.” Or they could spruce it up a bit and create curiosity in the prospect by saying something like, “I help families save thousands of dollars every year on taxes.” Two totally different versions of the same profession. The only difference is that one of the answers will most likely have the prospect ask if they can help them to save thousands of dollars every year.
It is no different with your MLM. Come up with a unique 10 second “pitch” that is interesting and raises curiosity in the prospect.
In the video below, I offer some examples of this as well as explain the psychology behind why answering the “what do you do?” question for your multi level marketing business.
19 Lead Sources For Your Business
The important part that I want you to understand when you answer the what do you do question, is that you always add a benefit…You are not just in a Network Marketing business!
Other Prospecting Resources For You
The Jedi Secret To Start Conversations While Cold Market Prospecting
MLM Tips To Grow Your Business in Beast Mode
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To Your Success,
PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 7 people), This is the Course you Should Get- Sponsoring Secrets Pro
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