How Can I Help You? - Content

How Can I Help You?

Hello again!

While I was sitting down and thinking of what cool content that I could pass onto you in order to help you on your success journey, it came to me that instead of assuming the type of content and subjects that would be beneficial to you, I needed to simply ask you what content and subjects you would like to see that would be helpful to you!

We are all on different journeys and paths to success. Some of you are building a storefront business while some are building an internet or network marketing business, and still some of you are working your way up the corporate ranks in your career. All of those options are commendable. I think the one thing that we all have in common is that we want to be successful at something and make an impact on other people and in the world. Am I correct? Let’s face it, you did not end up on my blog if you are average or if you are looking to get out of the mediocrity mode! The average person does not subscribe or read content that is put out by an author who’s blog is titled: Get Motivated For Success!

So, I am asking for your help and feedback….

What are some topics or subjects that you would like more coaching or input on? What areas of your life are you looking to improve on that you have not been able to find elsewhere? Are you looking for success principles that you can use for your business or career? Do you want advice or direction on how to develop better relationships, both personal and business? Would you like to learn how to become a better “people person” or a better networker? These are all just ideas that I am throwing out to you to get the brain juices flowing!

I appreciate the fact that you have visited my blog and, quite possibly, have already subscribed to one of my free offers. Therefore, I want to give you valuable content that will benefit you now and in the future!

Please comment or share your thoughts below on how I can help you and increase the value that you will receive by being a regular reader of my blog! All of your thoughts and ideas are important because there are other people out there who have some of the same fears, doubts, dreams and needs that you have.

Ready, Set, Share…!

To Your Success

Ken Cloutier




The Importance of Goal Cards

Are you in the pursuit of a goal? Have you set goals in the past that don’t ever seem to really get off the ground, or you forget about them completely only to find out that you have not moved on towards completing your goal?

If you answered yes to any of these situations, you are not alone! Welcome to the world of the ambitious!

Picture this: You have been inspired at a business conference or a work-related workshop and upon leaving you are ready to set the world on fire! You have great goals that you are excited about accomplishing and have a game plan ready to put in place on Monday morning. For the first week you work diligently towards achieving your goals with some successes and some failures. About 2-3 weeks into your journey, you begin to get a little lackadaisical and don’t necessarily follow your game plan like you did the first week. Can you relate to this scenario? Does this sound familiar? “How can I fix this?” you may ask. The answer is really actually quite simple. In fact, it is so simple that some of you reading this will disregard it and keep on being frustrated and wondering why you are not reaching your goals.

The simple answer to this is: Goal cards. Yes, Goal cards.

Goal cards are a simple, yet very effective way of keeping your goals in front of you. The whole premise of goal cards is that you write down exactly what you want to achieve as though it has already happened. For example, if  one of your goals is to make one sale per day, you would write, “I make one sale per day everyday.” Notice the way that this is written? It is not, “I try to make one sale per day everyday.” You must write down your statement and say it as though it has already happened, not that you will try or hope that it happens. There is a very important element at work here by making a statement that you already have what you are seeking.

The element at work is your subconscious mind. You see, your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is not. By you stating something that you want as though you already have it, your subconscious mind will do everything possible to make whatever you say happen. So, in the example of, “I will make one sale per day everyday.” When you speak and tell your subconscious mind this statement on a daily basis, your mind will begin to figure out different creative methods or ways to get your goal accomplished.

Writing out the goal cards helps to keep your mind on your goals. By reading your goals out loud several times per day you are programming your subconscious mind to attain them. Making goal cards is very easy. SimplyID-10055007 write out your goals as though you already have them on some index cards and carry them around with you. Write out one statement per card. It may feel funny at first taking index cards out of your pocket and reading them out loud, but after a few days, you will get used to it and it will actually feel pretty good saying positive things about yourself and what you are achieving. I am a huge supporter of goal cards. When my wife and I were looking to hit some goals in our business, we used goal cards and spoke out loud exactly what we wanted to happen and how we wanted our business to come together. Several years later I came across them and it was so cool to see that EVERY single goal that we had written down on the cards came to pass!! It really does work!

I sincerely hope that you do not blow this concept off as some hocus pocus and really make a commitment to use goal cards.

In addition to using goal cards, you may also find my 10 Day Blueprint video series helpful. In this free series, I cover some other key principles to help you on your journey to success.

To your continued success!

Ken Cloutier

