7 Things Happy People Do Differently

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What makes some people genuinely happy while other always seem to be negative and stressed out? While everyone has the occasional “bad day,” happy people tend to implement certain things in their lives that make the “bad days” few and far between. As you will see below, happy people have different attitudes and practices that separate themselves from negative, unhappy people. The good news is that all of these attitudes and practices are a matter of choice and can be learned!

Here are 7 things that Happy People do differently…

1. Treat everyone with kindness

People treat you the way you treat them. If you treat everyone with kindness, you will have it reciprocated more times than not. Happy people smile and are more friendly because what they feel inside shows through to others! Since happy people make others feel good and treat others with kindness, they generally are able to build long lasting and meaningful relationships.

2. Don’t hold grudges

If someone is not nice to them or does not treat them kindly, happy people shake it off and don’t hold grudges. This is easier said than done! Holding a grudge does not affect the person with whom you have the problem with, but it will directly affect your attitude and happiness. Learn to let go and forgive. If you do not let go and forgive, you allow the other person to have power and control over your emotions. Remember this, you can only control two things: Your actions and your attitude. Don’t let negative people gain control over these.

3. Have thankfulness and appreciation

Are you thankful for the things that you have rather than looking at the things you don’t have? Happy people don’t continuously look at what they don’t have, but instead appreciate what they do have. They cherish the time that they have with family or are thankful that they have a roof over their heads, even if it is not their dream home. By being appreciative and thankful for what they have now helps them to keep things in perspective and allows them to keep a great attitude.

4. See issues as challenges not problems

Whenever somebody tells me that they have a problem I correct them and say you have a challenge. What is the difference? The way I see it, a problem is more permanent. When you have a problem, you are essentially saying that you cannot fix it and, “it is what it is.” I view challenges as something that is fixable or something that can be overcome. It may not be easy, but with a well thought out plan and a quick attitude adjustment, you can overcome challenges. Happy people don’t see every issue as a problem, but they see issues as a challenge that they can and will get through.

5. Don’t make a mountain out of an ant hill

Happy people keep things in perspective. They don’t get all stressed out or anxious about things that they either cannot control or really won’t matter over time. My mentor always stresses that if it won’t matter a year from now, don’t stress over it. Happy people don’t stress about the past and they don’t become anxious about the future. They keep an even keel and are emotianally stable.

6. Enjoy the moment

Happy people enjoy the present moment without looking too far into the future or rummaging through their past. They are able to stop and smell the roses and savor the moment as it is happening. I love hiking and enjoying nature. It allows me to stop for a minute and separate myself from the hustle and bustle of the big city to slow down and enjoy the moment in peace. Happy people are able to filter out all of the background noise and enjoy the here and now.

7. Dream bigger

Happy people dream bigger. Since they have a positive attitude, their outlook on life and what they can accomplish is greater than someone who is mean and negative. A person that is happy will generally seek to accomplish more because they have a positive self image and truly feel that they will accomplish their goals.

As you can see, these are all attitudes and actions that you can choose to adopt into your life. Again, you have control over two things: your actions and your attitude. Choose to take control over these things and choose to be Happy!!

To learn more tips on what happy people do and how you can be happier, sign up for my FREE 10 Day Blueprint where you will learn daily success principles that anyone can implement into their lives!

To Your Happiness!

Ken Cloutier



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