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“Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk – and to act.”- Andre Malraux
Taking a risk has always been seen as something one should try avoid at all costs. Many people will attempt or try something only if there is little to no risk involved with the hopes of achieving or reaching the greatest pinnacle possible. That, however, is just not the case.
Countless books on the topic of success, and individuals who have reached a high level of accomplishments, will attest that they never would have reached their place in life had they not taken risks.
What if Steve Jobs had been worried about how people would react to the I-Pod or the I-Pad? He may never have developed the life changing technology that you and I have come to love and need today. What sorts of risks have you not taken that could have yielded you a lot of money or helped someone or society in one way or another?
The primary reason that people don’t take risks is the fear of failure, that it won’t work out the way they want it to or what others may think about their attempts. However, if you don’t take risks, you will always be asking the question to yourself “what if I had …”? You are a special person with great qualities that can achieve anything that you put your mind to. Stop letting your fears rule your decision not to take a risk to improve your life or the life of somebody else.
Understand that in order to be successful, you will fail more times than not. The formula that you should embrace is to fail quick and often. This may seem like a very backward way of succeeding, but that is why most people are not successful- because they do not know or embrace the success formula.
I am not advising however that you take a risk for just for the sake of it. It needs to be a calculated risk. Many high level achievers find it useful to simply write down the positive and negative aspects to the risk that they are taking. If the positives outweigh the negatives, go for it! The risk will be worth it!
Being an ex baseball player, I love the saying ‘you can’t steal second with your foot on first.’ That is so true. You can’t expect great results if you are only willing to take a small amount of risk. I have learned from being around some very successful individuals that they became successful because they were willing to take the risk that most people would not be willing to take. They observed the masses and did the opposite.
So, be willing to take a risk. Don’t worry about failing or what others are saying. If, in your heart, you feel the risk is worth taking, then go for it. You will be glad you did!
If you are willing to observe the masses and do the opposite click here!
To your success!
Ken Cloutier
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